Have a cool idea? Suggest it here!
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Vexer wrote:
I had to completely redo the entire map except for the wood floor so I would say 3 months.
Pntbttr wrote:
I think somebody should redo the Aus. map but I don't have the time I got two maps I need to finish first! And I got tons of idea's of just maps of the earth not to mention things like soccer fields and snowboarding mountains.
santas22 wrote:
Hello all I have been pondering on this idea for a long time. I was thinking maybe a native american map with all of the Native American Tribes in North America. I thought this would be a good idea. Are their any suggestions for how i am to make this if anyone is intrested?
Pntbttr wrote:
I love the idea! My bro suggested one to me but I wasn't sure how to make one. I will look into it.
Pntbttr wrote:
I am starting a Turkey Regions Map and I am already working on the South Africa Districts map, Haiti Dominican Republic map, Europe map and I have also considered doing South America, Africa, Austrailia and Austria-Hungary Empire maps and a few others. So I think I will take a break and finish those.

Somebody else can do the Native American Tribes map. I am sorry but I have no idea how to do it.
Pntbttr wrote:
If you want a map of a certin place made and you Suggest it hear it may actually be made.(:

I would like to have more seggestions that's all I am saying.
Pntbttr wrote:
only three ideas have been suggested in the last two pages....I am running out of ideas. I would like people to just shout out what ever map they want made. It is best if it is a place with plenty of places for territories (about 45 or so) and has plenty of natural impassible (like oceans rivers mountains)...other things like sports fields for example work too.
Glanru wrote:
I honestly think that we have enough suggestions to occupy our time for months. Personally, I'm working on quite a bit. I want to make slight improvements on Victron and Eld World. I want to attempt to upgrade the House map, even if all I do is add landscaping. I am trying to replace the USA map, but will settle with simply upgrading it's look. I've been asked if I can modify the Africa map to make certain connections and non-connections (impassables) more clear. I hope to make an excellent fog map, so far working off the idea of molecules. I also have a concept map that I'm working on that I may soon release some basic details to (it has a slightly modified game play that should be really fun). 

All of this on top of the fact that I just bought Skyrim and have been playing my Xbox extensively. I've already put nearly 40 hours into that game and I feel like I'm still at the beginning. There's just so much you can do in it! Additionally, I've considered making a series of posts covering map making in general. It would include many image links that should visually demonstrate ways to improve maps.

You already seem to have your hands full, and I know Vexer does. I think that the best thing that can be done is to focus on a couple of things at once and just make them excellent instead of making too many okay or just good maps.
Pntbttr wrote:
I know that we all have our hands full but I like to have suggestions for when I don't.
Leedog wrote:
I know new maps take time, but in my opinion, more maps bring more players to website.
Vexer wrote:
I'm with glanru, instead of spending your time making a million ok maps, make fewer better maps. in fact, some of the lessons you have learned by making the south africa map have not been applied to your other maps (details to come)

One of the reasons why i never played on that other site is because they had small ugly maps. They were too loose with what they let get published. Not only are we doing things right from the beginning here, we are even going back and redoing maps now that we have more skill. Eventually i plan to redo the oregon cities map. And all of us can have a hand in a remake of the world map (won't get to that until we get caught up with all your maps pntbttr.)
Thorpe wrote:
Pntbttr is a lot younger than you both and has a lot of energy to put into his maps! He stays up nights just thinking about maps...
and he's not married and un-attached so what else will he do?
Homework? Chores?
So go for it!
Vexer you might have to let some other people take the burden off of you!
And Pntbttr your maps should be getting better...so write down your tips that they give you and remember them so Vexer doesn't have to repeat what he has already told you...just a thought.
The more maps you make the standards gets raised...so...

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
OK I get it I will slow down a bit. Besides I don't have as much time as before. I will work on the ones I already have.

I am just saying you can suggest a map here.