Have a cool idea? Suggest it here!
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1771 wrote:
we will have to be able to atleast give them a start of a rough map, but i would like to add St. Louis Missouri, is a very legendary city because of its riverfront, alot of the first ships stopped in St. Louis for trading and various other reasons. Not too mention we have the infamous ST. LOUIS CARDINALS!!!! :)
What about a world map with Antartica on it and have it connect with the bottom of Australia south America and Africa it would make things a little more challenging and I always wondered why the board never had it on it
1771 wrote:
very good ideal lil_ap, the have a map like that on cc, would be cool to have one here too, also they had a amp something like world 5.0 or something, i havent been there in forever, but something like that, where the world is chopped up pretty cool, descent map ideal. they do have some descent map ideals, but their graphics is way under par, or atleast it was. but yes with antartica in the map it would even out the world a little bit.

Also to 1771jr. hi son, but you are in wrong spot to be saying hi. This is where we talk about maps man. If you wanted to just say hi, you will need to find the spot on the forums page that says Off-Topic. Love you!
k_w_cheng wrote:
Are there any map editor that I can use to create map? I have some good map ideas with some new rules, however, I do not know how to code it. Can anyone help?
Vexer wrote:
how it works is you send us (lucide and I) the image and we code it into the site. So all you need it an image editor and not a map editor.

A good simple free image editor is Paint.net

As far as the new rules go, tell us what you are thinking and we can tell you if it is currently possible for us to program or not. If not then it may still be possible to use those rules in the future if Teck programs more options into the map editor.
Vexer wrote:
download paint.net from www.getpaint.net. It's a free program similar to photoshop. there are tutorials on youtube that will show you how to use it. search for paint.net tutorial.

You can make a map with basic shapes and connection lines and make the different regions different colors.

going through this process will get you ready for more advanced map making with a themed map.

Make sure that you find a tutorial that discusses layers. layers are the key to making quality maps. You need to learn the power of layers.
Pntbttr wrote:
What if I just made outlines drafts whatever you call them so that people can just add the graphics and they are done because I think I would be a lot better at doing that

I will still make a map once in a while but I feel like adding a that is really hard

in like three weeks or so I will have a lot of time to work on the meditranean sea map I have felt like I don't have much time to work on it
Pntbttr wrote:
I don't have much time now that school is going and I only spend about an hour a day anyway

What is the deal with the free priumium though do you split it if two people make a map together?
1771 wrote:
that is a good question pntbttr. I will have to talk to the big guy and see how it goes..maybe 6 months premium to both...if you are already premium... i would naturally be inclined to give it to the guy who isn't.i will get back to you on this one pntbttr.
Vexer wrote:
this was my thinking, and I was going to talk to Teck about this but you can just point him here.

The twelve months free premium is split equally between all the map makers. 
Also, if one of the site's cartographers has to help you with the graphics on your map in order for it to meet the site's quality standards then you only get 6 months. If the graphics have to be completely redone then you get 3 months.