Changes from the feedback.
font changed to something plainer and readable.
Connection between Kam/Alaska more readable. New connection added South Africas/Brazils. Eliminated 2 unecessary connection lines
and placed greenland label in proposed location.
*Bonuses changed. I only jotted them down originally for inset placement, so it wasn't calculated, but changed Africa and Europe to a compromised count of 4 for this edit.
Corrected spelling Scandinavia, corrected the double up, name change for Egypt/Tunisia
Colour change, font/red region less harsh background from grey to blue.
Circle placements and label replacements.
Changes from the feedback.
font changed to something plainer and readable.
Connection between Kam/Alaska more readable. New connection added South Africas/Brazils. Eliminated 2 unecessary connection lines
and placed greenland label in proposed location.
*Bonuses changed. I only jotted them down originally for inset placement, so it wasn't calculated, but changed Africa and Europe to a compromised count of 4 for this edit.
Corrected spelling Scandinavia, corrected the double up, name change for Egypt/Tunisia
Colour change, font/red region less harsh background from grey to blue.
Circle placements and label replacements.