47 territories
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Vexer wrote:
wow, it's got quite a unique look and feel now. I'm impressed.

some of the colors, however, are hard to distinguish. like the red, orange and browns.

now that the territories aren't so bright, the text seems bright. try reducing the layer opacity just a little so that the text blends in a bit.

Thorpe wrote:
why did you change the grey up on top...I like the look of the grey from your last map better not so dark.
The names look good in white and easy to read.
Yes the brown is the hardest to distinguish from the rest.
Great looking textures though!
But I like the brightness of the text and I think it works with the darkness of the map.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
PDN Crashed so I cant work on it for a while.......this has happened before.......):
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Pntbttr wrote:
What do you mean change the gray I just gave it a different texture....I think but I could make it a lighter gray.
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Vexer wrote:
perhaps it is a plugin that is crashing paint.net
i have never had it crash on me
Pntbttr wrote:
well it is already fixed.....so here is another update I added one river (the Orange River) and changed the regions back to what they were (I will change the regions after I finish adding mountains and rivers)
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Glanru wrote:
The rivers are confusing. If they are impassables, or if they are territory separators, then why do they go through territories such as Pixey Ka Seme? It looks like three territories. You don't see the Missouri river in the USA map at all for this very reason, even though it's a major river in the USA. The Ohio and Mississippi rivers are on that map however, to effect game play and because they can be used as territory boundaries (and impassables).

After looking at it more I realized there was a bridge. Bridges should stand out. An outline, a glow, a shadow, or something should make it so that it draws your eye to it when looking at the territory bordering the river. This is assuming that you don't make it stand out too much, which can also be an eye sore.

It's good that the rivers are not used near blue territories. And, they are not a visual distraction when looking at the map. But, I think they need some work so that it's not confusing as to which territories can attack which.
Pntbttr wrote:
What if I just made the impassible parts a lot thicker????
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Glanru wrote:
It's slightly different. Gladstone has roads going over that have bridges. But, the river actually is smaller there as it's a small tributary into the main river. So, the rivers in that map are all impassible, just some parts have bridges and some don't. But, looking at that map I realize Lake Oswego has a lake in it. That should be obvious because of the name why a lake would be in it. However, the territory I mentioned above may be more clear if bridges were placed on the river passing through it, even though it's just to connect the territory to itself. You could also opt to have only parts of the river visible, those parts being the ones that affect game play.
Vexer wrote:
i have been thinking along the same lines as glanru in regards to the rivers. when i have more time i will give you specific details about how to make this work.
Thorpe wrote:
Now I'm not sure about the darker text...but what about make the grey area on top lighter?...Vexer?
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
the map just looks dark all over,,,I may be wrong cause I'm a lot older, but it all just look to dark now
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
Sorry I forgot to lighten it up I will add that to the next update
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