47 territories
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Vexer wrote:
still need to find time to write about the rivers. but i do have time to say that thorpe is right. the map is too dark now. also the text was darkened too much. it only needed a very little bit of darkening so that it wasn't so bright that i didn't want to look at it.
Thorpe wrote:
Pntbttr looks a lot better. I think that if you use rivers as a blocking point...then make them wider.
The Africa map sucks because you forget where you can't attack from and I have lost games because of it...thinking I had a easy way in and was blocked from going to their Cap. It really make game play wrong!
So if you want to block a area from the others I feel the rivers need to be wider.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
wider and brighter. i will have more time this weekend to get more in depth with the rivers.

i must say that all of your changes were improvements. it's getting close man. keep it up.
-NoXoN- wrote:
 I like gameplay on this map, i like real world maps. You should change texture for ocean and also color. If you see Vexer's (edit: Glanru's) new map (Rock-paper-scissors) you will see how all map is with light colors. So i think you should make color of ocean similar to territories colors.
 Maybe for new players will be hard to notice that there are 2 regions with red color and they are close to each other.
 River will look better if you make it lighter.
 Hmm also try to make lower opacity of texture in ocean and dead area.
Glanru wrote:
Noxon: It's called a secret map for a reason; you aren't supposed to talk about it before it's put on the forums (curse Vexer). Second, it's my map, not Vexer's. Third, we haven't released details about it yet, the game play is going to change on it, and only a small handful of players have even seen it. With that said, referencing it doesn't help if someone hasn't seen it.

Pntbttr: I agree that the ocean can use some work, and that you shouldn't have 3 red regions right next to each other, or really near either of the oranges either. There are many color combinations you can choose from. As for game play, I'm a little concerned that you have to defend almost every territory in most regions. Also, the NE region is isolated and can only be attacked by one other region giving it what I think is a clear advantage similar to Australia in the world map (but different as you have to defend more territories).
-NoXoN- wrote:
 My apologies, i was talking only about colors.

 I know that sometimes can be big big problems when someone talk about maps that arent released yet.
Glanru wrote:
Well, we want it polished before showing it to people. It's no worries. I'll probably start a post about it later this week.
Pntbttr wrote:
OK here is an update: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/southafricadistrictsmap.jpg/
I lightened it up a little and changed the opacities and colors + I added another river and changed the territories a little and added a bridge

I am not sure what to think I can't make my rivers very realilistic and same thing with the bridges
Glanru wrote:
Bodies of water such as rivers are not easy to get looking right, trust me. One thing you can do is have a masked texture layer, revealing only where the water is. Try a few different textures, see if you get something good. I got lucky first try when making a slight improvement to the water on Vexer's Oregon Cities Map. But, improvement is improvement. Solid color rivers stand out when the rest of the map has texture. Just make sure you use a different texture than the rest of the map as well. I'd also suggest removing the part of the river below the circle in Frances B.

The one thing you could do with the bridge is to add a black outline. That way you don't have to make it larger to make it stand out more. Right now it's kind of hard to see. Honestly, you should think of the bridge as a symbol. It doesn't need to be "realistic" as long as it's understandable.
-NoXoN- wrote:
Looks better in this update, if you can send map to me I can do some work, noxond12@hotmail.com
Thorpe wrote:
What if you make the ocean the same as the rivers...I like the river color I don't have to second guess.
If not, why not lighten the ocean so you can see the the color of the blue region?
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
this is -NoXoN-
I would just like to know if you like the text and textures in this one
and this is the one I have been working on I would like to know if the rivers look better (I still have to work on the bridge). Do you think I should get rid of the lines in the dead zone?
Thorpe wrote:
I like the look of what -NoXon- did it pops
I always like the lighter text though Vexer doesn't!
cool name and everything....yes great job
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next