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Hoodlum wrote:
previous edit (click to show)
latest edit (click to show)

Thanks for the feedback! it's good to work with.

Tried some more colour combo's, just getting them all to mesh together can be tricky. I quite like the pallete I settled with, for now, lol. Some colours I wanted to keep in specific regions such as NZ (Greenery) and the colour tones of australia, like red dirt, dried grass warmer climate colours. I don't think I personally like dark blue blackgrounds so that's why I went with a brighter one with the last edit and I opted with making it a tinge lighter again, and making the glow darker to make the land pop out as aero says, and maybe it looks better for Matty too. Territory shape / connection line adjustment.
TheMachiavelli wrote:
Looking good to me!

At the risk of disagreeing with Psymon above, I think I might have preferred the brighter orage of the previous version for Melanesia. Or perhaps something in between the previous one and the current one. As they are the smallest islands on the map, the current duller colour makes them harder to see. I think it partly appears darker than it really is due to the contrast with the sea. Just my two cents - feel free to disregard: I've never made a map in here!
PsymonStark wrote:
Nop, Mach, I have to agree with you. The previous colour was too bright but this one is too dirty.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
more edits (click to show)

re-did territories, more tidy look. played around for a while trying to get Melanesia right, it kept looking to similar QLD everytime I thought I had it right. Ocean got some gradient in this version too
PsymonStark wrote:
If you put the circle of Chatham on the island, you can't see which region it belongs to.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
I think it looks like a fun little map to play on!

I will say that the saminess of the 2 bonuses is a little of a negative for me. But that's a very minor thing.

Is there any better name than 'Peninsula'? lol those kinds of names get me down :P

There's still the connection/path blocking/chokepoint problem. But it's a smaller map, so that's to be expected. The Goolburi/New Caledonia/Maui connection saves it for me.

I'd say play with the territories a little. Maybe take out Chatham? Make NZ a +1, maybe add a territory to the northern territory or western australia? Try and get away from the sameness of +2+2+2. Maybe add a connection line from Mulga to Patpa? Not NEEDED, but might open up the west a little.
Hoodlum wrote:
Like the suggestions naathim. especially the connection on the west.

naathim edits (click to show)
PsymonStark wrote:
4? It's too much! What do you guys have with high bonus?
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
maybe keeping it at 3 is better.. maybe the Papua regions 1 also? I imagine they could both be taken with just 2 spots to defend - daru and merauke. Getting 4 bonus might be too much then but +2 might be too little. maybe make them both 1's but if you hold all of Papua, you earn another +1? = +3 

Spoiler (click to show)
Matty wrote:
IMO you should give this map it's own thread and go serious.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Hoodlum wrote:
North America (click to show)

64 territories

14 regions

North America dabble
The_Bishop wrote:
Check the territory tags, please. Without checking carefully, I can see some names are wrong:
- not Svaalvard, but Iceland;
- not Vermont, but New York.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
HammerTime wrote:
North America looks good Hoodlum, like the rivers cutting through making it little harder to navigate the map
Luck,is the defining factor of a good strategy
Hoodlum wrote:
impassable (click to show)
