Experimenting / Learning
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Cireon wrote:
Forests in a city. I like it :')

(EDIT: I find it unclear to see if Warren and Roseli are connected or not)
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Hoodlum wrote:
lol..pockets of forests...:thumbs: Ganglands - Forestlake City!
might have to change the title lol

nope not connected, but maybe it should be, to save confusion
PsymonStark wrote:
Wow, I'm sorry but... it looks so made up! To name a few reasons... tons of impassables, many inside regions, straight and unclear borders... It doesn't look like a town at all, there is more water than ground. It probably has to be like this to make a large map without thousands of region borders.

Don't like the bridges, but like the texture. Maybe the concept for this one should be different though. Bonus seem too low.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Hoodlum wrote:
Found this map online - looked like a risk map already with it's dimensions - regions
Researching Chicago was fun, a lot different than what I thought. looks like a cool city layout
Decided to tackle the possibilities for a risk map - Gameplay attempt - Most territories kept - ommitted a few
river added to help, and a few 4 corner shifts. site down time attempt
Chicago,Illinois (click to show)
The_Bishop wrote:
4re you going for quantity Hood? Why don't use the suggestion thread, I don't know.

This one is interesting subject. I think a midwest city like Chicago is very welcome.
I found the same image on the web (time ago), and started some work to make it a map.

What I don't like a lot is the fictional river and the fictional connection north-south.
But the major problem is that is super scrolling!
The graphic is cool tough.

The solution I had found myself I remember ws to enlarge the map to the west including the country area with the towns/counties graviting around Chicago. 4nd also a bit more of the lake in the est side.
When including the country area in the west side, there you can draw large territories providing a fast periferical connectivity (something like Eastern 4sia)

Just my thoughts. Maybe I can find a draft to show, but Im not sure.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
cool would like to see it bishop.

nope not going for quantity. i just do these for fun, maybe it sparks interest, if not, no big deal. it's not wasting my time if it goes nowhere, cool just practicing graphic techniques, getting an idea of gameplay, and the research and learning of real locations is fun. In the past I wouldnt have guessed there was a bunch of people out there that made maps for fun, lol. wouldnt have crossed my mind, but now i get it. i will bank them up in my game editor, aswell to play it on that too. It will be a phase for a bit, then I will lose interest, or get too busy. hobby within a hobby. :)
Hoodlum wrote:
btw the river isn't fictional - i used the real river location i believe however it cut's short going north, in my map because it wasn't necessary for me to have it cutting through the same region 'North'. Also, there is a Yacht club, in the North of the North to South connection - that was accidental though.. but it wouldn't be that fictional I suppose where it could be used.

lol purely accidental. the South of the North - South link is close to another Yacht club

anybody from chicago??

The_Bishop wrote:
Well okay, so my soldiers are supposed to move north to south and south to north on the Michigan Lake by Yachts?!
No, seriously looking more at it I think I'm appreciating your map as it is.

I cannot find my file sorry. Anyway my idea was something like this:
Cook County Image (click to show)
Where the red line is my proposed cut. Mostly centered on Cook County which Chicago belong to. I think you can recognize the shape of Chicago City inside it, corrisponding to the playing area of your map. And possibly could be an even larger area coz the Chicago Metr. Area also includes all the surrounding counties, extending even in Indiana and Wisconsin.
(Red area in this big image, from wikipedia)

Btw I think it is better yours. The scrollyness it is not such a problem, we also have maps like Westeros&Essos which are pretty much appreciated by the players.
Looking more into it I'm worried that my idea could only lead to a medium gameplay and medium look.
Yours seems more like a good interesting gameplay and an appealing look.
So I don't want to discus. For me it's thumb up! (Y)

Only things I can remark.
The river, yes it's the real river, but the missing part in the north is something that hurt my eye. 3 or 4 bridges would be needed to keep the regions attached (max 5).
The long dashed lines is something I don't love so much. but I believe it's only me. and we also have similar concepts in other maps like AnchorBay for ex..

The Yacht clubs I think is a bit funny but I think for our purposes it's a good enough reason for putting the connection there.
Plus the name of both territories seems to be ideal for lake port locations: Lakeview and Southshore... Just cool!
If you give me some hours I can analize the gameplay a bit more, looking if I can find any possible flaws, including in case, possible cap locations.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
hehe yeah, when you put it that way..yachts and soldiers. When making it, didn't realize the length it was till i posted it, and it was so scrolly. I tried a rotation afterward and
it seemed more layout suitable, but it might look odd to a local.
I think I would like to edit the river to extend up and out to the lake again how it actually is, would mean just having to add more bridges, but that probably doesn't matter.
Might as well keep it accurate. Maybe a port is better than a dashed line, I just had a feeling the map would get congested in the middle and the lake seemed like a good way
to cut the traffic :)
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes, I believe it must stay north oriented.
Thanks Hood, will be nice to see how it looks with the whole river!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
river edit (click to show)

The river actually extends past Chicago north a bit more before going to the lake again. It works with the territory borders already drawn - must be where the territories/ border lines are.

60 territories
9 regions
The_Bishop wrote:
I don't know, the northern regions seems too disconnected inside, now. I didn't want to ruin something good, but I think the river must be there.

What about these 4 bridges:
North Park === West Ridge,
Albany Park === Lincoln Square,
Avondale === Lakeview,
Logan Square === Lincoln Park?

(Far South West region normally should be +3)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
i agree. was gonna do all those connections.
chicago bridges (click to show)
Lot's of bridges wouldn't look out of place either realistically

bridge edit (click to show)
naathim wrote:
Hmm... the scrolling issue. What if you put the map on a Left to Right diagonal slant? I know the actual coast line is basically straight. But you could stretch it out a bit that way? Eh on third thought that'd mush it up too much :/ Still think that might be your best option. Take out the blobby O'Hare thing and tilt it a bit.

I like it. Don't know as I like it enough for a playable map here. Would definitely need some work. But much better than gangland for me!
The_Bishop wrote:
Maybe one of the bridges can go: Irving Park === Lakeview.
And one that I would really like to add (for game reasons) is West Town === Near North:
to avoid the little Central region to expand too easy into the North region

Last edit by the Hood (click to show)
About rotating the whole thing I'm unsure really.
Me too I surely prefer this one to the gangland.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein