Solar System map thread. Feedback very welcome.
  • 247 posts
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urgul wrote:
This map is making some serious progress.
What's gonna happen with the asteroid belt? It's just going to be like neutral, then?
Keep it up,
aeronautic wrote:
No I forgot to colour the asteroid belt.
All done now though!
This is a pretty much graphics done draught, barring any alterations required for gameplay, plus any weird glitches I might have missed. Let me know?
Solar System 5a (click to show)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
cbt711 wrote:
Looks great, might need to kill the border on the asteroids to the right of Luna. I think with the glow behind the rings, the split between the rings is actually clear now. I'll finish it up with two versions of the rings and let the experts pick which one to use. Then can we please play it? 

If you need a spreadsheet of what can attack what, I can make one, just need an example from another map to copy.

@urgal - Mars + asteroids is all red and gets +4 troop bonus as shown in last post of the map
Matty wrote:
It has a completely different feeling now, I like it I think.

However, to me all the colours are a bit too pale.
All regions have it, but if you looke at the moon (our moon, earths moon) you can see it best I think.

Also, there is a weird lake spot kinda thing at the left side of Venus Major.

I think Eastern rings is better than E. Rings, its clear enough, and you don't abbreviate anywhere else.

I'm not sure why some ppl have a problem with the rings divider, but if you move it left than you should rename rings to western rings.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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Vexer wrote:
Woah, i haven't looked at this map in a while. What a significant improvement on the graphics. I'm impressed. I apologize that I don't have time to properly review the map though. You guys will have to bring the map to completion without my help. I am 100% focused on programming for the site.
Fendi wrote:
I'm impressed with how this map is turning out. I especially like the darker style, it fits more with the location you have chosen and with the sites theme.

There are still a few things that kind of bug me, like the asteroid field. Its rocks don't fit with the rest of the map because it is clear they are a picture while the rest of the map is drawn. I'm also not a huge fan of the frame that it has.

The texture on Saturn and Neptune is a bit smooth and hidden compared to the roughness of Jupiter and Mars, I would like to see it standing out more. (I really like how Jupiter and its planets look.)

I miss the texture that Earths water had in this version, is it possible to bring it back and decrease its opacity a bit?

Is it possible to make the lines a bit smoother? Because right now, they look too sharp and jagged at some places.

Again, nice work!
cbt711 wrote:
The outline of each territory had a blending layer so they can be less rough. This will give an inner shadow effect though so it depends on what you like. After about 30 versions of the asteroids I really don't know what else we can do. This one looks the best so far. Every planet has it's own real life picture as the texture, so they are just as realistic as the asteroids, there's just no space between pictures like the asteroids to really make them stand out. A colored layer over the asteroid belts tinted red could be use to wash out the picture look.

Saturn and back all look less defined than Jupiter and up because voyager 1 pictures suck and there aren't make good pictures of Saturn. I can sharpen the texture but not too much before the gas planet looks rocky.

As for the colors: there is a base layer that is a solid color, a shading layer for shadows, a texture layer that is black and white and taken from real photos of each body, a sphere layer to give the 3D look to each body, and then another color layer to intensify any colors lost in the previous 3 layers. So we can change the base or the top layer. Problem is that every person has their own opinion on what colors look good, and the more intense the color, the less clear the texture, pictures, and shading will be.

I will do some final touches and then send the spread sheet and photoshop file to fendi and hopefully we can play soon.
aeronautic wrote:
You said everything I was going to say there cbt711.
I know cbt711 and I have found a way to alter the asteroids accordingly though.

I have done a Capitals version for everyone to analyse and test.
I have put an even step gap between each Cap, you just have to check the steps in the shortest possible route.
Only the 9 player had an uneven number, no matter what I tried, one had to be closer. But then, 9 player capitals is not yet an option.

Solar System Capitals Test (click to show)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Matty wrote:
2 player
I would move the one in Afrika to South America, to make sure the pathlengths over the asteroid belt and over venus are a bit more equal.
You could also move the one in Jupiter to Saturn North for example, than it's also an option to go over Oberon or Poseidon.

3 player
If you move Jupiter Major to Jupiter Minor, than you have a 6 step path from each capital to the other.
You could also move Venus Major to Aphrodite for the same effect, but then the asteroid belt becomes more important, and it already is such a nice second way.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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cbt711 wrote:
Yeah I've never played Caps, so it looks good to me!
Here's the two options for Saturn. This is what I'm sending to Fendi as the final version. Fendi: Please play with the asteroids all you want. I tried textures, filters, effect, lighting changes... it all made them look terrible. I think for the most part, they work as is. SO here it is in the two possible forms:

Saturn ring straight split:
Spoiler (click to show)

Saturn Ring crossover split:
Spoiler (click to show)

Fendi, give me 30 minutes for the spread sheet. I will send that and the master file (Rev 6b) via email. Note: The saturn ring is straight split by default, there is a layer called "Ring Option" you can hide or show to change between the two versions.
cbt711 wrote:
Got rid of red area behind Luna moon.
Added more rigid texture to Neptune.
Colorized yellow more.
moved sigs / mini map / title slightly, embossed mini map.
Tried to reverse Earth Water texture to previous form, got it close.
Got rid of Venus "lake" - even though that's what it looks like in real life :)
Made the two Saturn ring options.
Moved text circles around to make Saturn more clear.
Matty wrote:
It looks like at the last version there is a white blur or glow over everything :S

The moon is better, but it can still use a little more, but maybe that's the glow hting.
All the other planets sort of can also use a bit sharpening, darkening, dunno, same as the moon.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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cbt711 wrote:
oh yeah, I darkened the moon too. That was the only one that is showing as really white blur to me. Every monitor I look at is different though. At work it's much darker, and on my phone it's somewhere in between.
aeronautic wrote:
I have looked and looked, but I am unable to see a white blur of any sort, but then my laptop has been set up for Gamma correction. This is available for all PC's, try adjusting that first and then relook. There is a white halo on the planets, but that is intentional for outline differential to the black of space. All planets have a halo due to the suns reflection on their surface or atmosphere.

(2 player) I checked the routes again and it is a step of 8 & 7 the way I have it and also the way it was suggested so, I moved the one from Jupiter Minor to Western Belt and this makes 8 & 8 in opposite directions, with a step of 6 via the Asteroid Belt, which is a short cut for most paths on the map.
(3 player) The way it was suggested "move Jupiter Major to Jupiter Minor, then you have a 6 step path from each capital" or "move Venus Major to Aphrodite for the same effect" actually didn't work, it still made 6, 6 & 5 steps in both cases.
I have however, found a place for 6, 6 & 6. Using 3 new points: Ganymede, Trident & Aphrodite.

Please check these for me?

Having just started getting involved in the gameplay whilst doing the Capital placements, I see that the Main Asteroid Belt is going to be a critical point of the map to either control for Deathmatch, or keep unblocked for Capitals.
Solar System Capitals Test 2 (click to show)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.