The current 12 best players on the site
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Dferguson wrote:
To make the games move along faster we could make them same time long term games.
lifeinpixels wrote:
That does add a huge new element to gameplay if it's increasing cards. Players who have a lot of time can simply wait on the site until another player is about to make a kill, and then steal it. Might not be the most fair.
Vexer wrote:
thumbs down for same time games. And they will be increasing card games.
Matty wrote:
Im not sure, three rounds is alot, but worth a try ;)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
Yeah, it is 3 rounds but only 5 games total so there won't be a lot of waiting.
skarni wrote:
Vexer I like your idea a lot. You have also my vote for that. For me its only a pity that we do not add the previous dominator in case he/she is not in the top12, but it is not a "must" for me.
Llibertat Presos polĂ­tics catalans. Love Democracy.
Vexer wrote:
Ok so do we set it up like this:

1,3,5,7,9,11 in game 1
2,4,6,8,10,12 in game 2?

And for the second round games do the same players play each other or are the games mixed up?
Antonis_xania wrote:
the set up is ok
if we mix them up its almost the same teams 
if players 1 and 4 win than we have 2-5-7-9-11, 3-6-8-10-12
if players 4 and 6 win than we have 1-3-7-9-11, 2-5-8-10-12
Matty wrote:
Wouldnt it be better just to randomize the thing, so that it will be different every time?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
lifeinpixels wrote:
Well... it's been a month again. I'd like to petition for the next dominating 12 list to be created. Especially since I might grab a spot for myself!
Vexer wrote:
Congratulations to the dominating 12 for November 2013

1 Vexer
2 Antonis_xania
3 Matty
4 Fendi
5 tontot
6 lifeinpixels
7 oliver
8 Joca
9 InigoMontoya
10 nikeboix69
11 Dferguson
12 atomictom

See the full list of all the players active in the last 7 days who have played more than 30 games:

The top 12 players will play a mini tournament of 5 games for the title of Dominator.

There will be two 6 players games in the first round. The winners move on to the final game and the losers will play two 5 player games. The winners of those 2 games will play the first two winners in a 4 player final game. These are the game settings for all the games: 24 hour turns, Deathmatch, increasing cards, chained fortification, world classic map.

If any of the top 12 decide not to play in the Dominator Tournament then we will invite the next player on the list until the games are full. Players have only 24 hours to join the games. Do not join the games unless you plan to finish the mini tournament.

These are the first two games: