The current 12 best players on the site
  • 1376 posts
  • Page 19 of 92
lifeinpixels wrote:
"Ran out of time", sure ;)
It's ok though, I'll step my game up for next month's list! Thanks for making this one.
Dferguson wrote:
man I dont think I will be able to stay on it for the next month... takes alot of points to get in now.
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, Congratulations to Vexer and Lifeinpixels! That's a tie!
Also Matty, great result in few games!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
Thanks Bisshop, but Im going down. Well, down, the others go up too fast. Should play more games I guess ;)

Also congratz @ LifeInPixels!!!
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
Congratulations to the Dominating 12 for January 2014

1 lifeinpixels
2 Spartakus
3 Matty
4 thaithai
5 Antonis_xania
6 nikeboix69
7 Dferguson
8 suldam
9 copperbird
10 Fendi
11 Joca
12 oliver

As with the last list only points were used to make this list. To make it on the list you had to have played at least 30 games total and been active in the last 15 days.

Full List:

The tournament we had last time took too long. I know players would still like the entire top 12 to participate so how about two 6 player games. The top 6 players play for the title of Supreme Dominator and the other 6 play for the title of Dominator.
Dferguson wrote:
DAMN YOU NIKE!!! we'll a guess you deserves to be above me; you are literally dominating me.
Cireon wrote:
And I keep dropping and dropping and dropping and...
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
The_Bishop wrote:
What about the 5 losers of the 'top game' competing for the 'second title' with the winner of the 'lower game' in?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Vexer wrote:
I'd rather the entire top 12 have equal chance to win instead of the top 6 getting two chances for a title. But your idea got me thinking, and I think I have a satisfactory alternative.

Last time 3 rounds took too long so it has to be 2 rounds with the second round only having the final game. But we can still play 5 games giving everyone two good chances to get into the final game. Everyone plays two 6p games at the same time for the first round. All the winners play in the final 4p game. If a player wins both of his first two games then he is automatically Dominator. The top 6 and bottom 6 play a game and 1,3,5,7,9,11 and 2,4,6,8,10,12 play a game at the same time.

I think the game should be advanced increasing to minimize the chance of stalemates. We also have to choose the right maps so that the games move quickly enough. I suggest Mediterranean States for the 6 player games and Europe for the 4p game. Do you guys think this kind of mini tournament will work better and are you ok with the map choices?
Matty wrote:
I am ok with it - it's the best plan I have heard so far, first player to get 2 wins takes all.

We should defenitely have advanced increasing. The top 12 players should be able to handle that.

I'm ok with the map choices, but I think world classic works fine as well. It has a charm to it.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria