The current 12 best players on the site
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Vexer wrote:
Here's an update to the list:

the list includes every currently active player who has played at least 10 games. To be one of the dominating 12 you have to play at least 20 games so even though Rasteddy is in the top 12, he is not yet one of the dominating 12.

Here are the current dominating 12:

-NoXoN-, Vexer, thaithai, bramvs, killrick, Rufina-Tomoyo, Fendi, k_w_cheng, Diddly, sekretar, Thorpe, and jaconan.

We won't have the dominating 12 game just yet. We will do the tournament first, then I'll make an updated list and we'll have the game.

No need to read the rest unless you are interested in more details about how the scores were determined.

I modified the formula slightly to adjust for outliers. The skill points per games played score is now calculated using the highest skill points per games played ratio from a player who has played at least 100 games. So I used noxon's ratio of 1.728 instead of bramvs 2.64 because bramvs hasn't played at least 100 games. And I gave all players who have a ratio higher than 1.728 a skill points score of 5. I am aware that this score system is complex but I think it has to be to be accurate.

See the first post for the rest of the details about how the score is calculated.
Thorpe wrote:
Wow..I'm #12!! Nice job Vexer...thx.

Look at Fendi! Yep she has gotten hard to beat! Nice job !
She is the one to watch...give thaithai a run for his rank!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Holt wrote:
If you guys ever need someone to sub in on one of these games then let me know and I will join. I haven't had the best of luck lately but it would be nice to get in a game with some good players like this for a change.
Thorpe wrote:
[image][image][/IMG][/URL] Uploaded with]
If your not one of the like the warrior...but try some more!


Some great players moving up in the ranks!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
Here's the April 2012 update:

the list includes every player who has been active on the site in the last 15 days who has also played at least 10 games. To be one of the dominating 12 you have to have played at least 20 games so even though anomaly is number 12 on the list he is not yet one of the dominating 12.

Here are the current dominating 12:

-NoXoN-, Vexer, thaithai, killrick, Fendi, k_w_cheng, Diddly, sekretar, jaconan, paladinman, ikenslay and Holt.

We will start the dominating 12 battle for the title of Dominator within 48 hours. It will be an 8 or 9 player increasing game on the world expanded map depending on how many of the dominating 12 respond to the invite.

I will post a link to the game here once it has started.
BrewDog wrote:
Dag nabbit!! I shoulda played better and beat you in the tourney!! One day I will be up there.
Vexer wrote:
The dominating 12 game for the title of Dominator is on.

competitors: thaithai, killrick, Fendi, k_w_cheng, sekretar, jaconan, paladinman, Holt and me.

The winner will hold the title of Dominator until they lose one game or a minimum of 2 weeks. They will also receive 250 tokens, double the amount of battle points and 1 month free premium.
BrewDog wrote:
Hey Vexer, how are skill and battle points calc'd? I'd like participate in these games.
Vexer wrote:
see the first post in this thread and follow the links.

I'm sorry but that's the best i can do for now.

when i get more time i will update the glossary with clear definitions
killrick wrote:
it was a good game with great players and i look forward to a rematch so i can kill you all again  cheers and see ya's all on the battlefield