The current 12 best players on the site
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aeronautic wrote:
Is it based on rank or points?
I was 6th for a while (on rank, almost Lieutenant Colonel)... way down now!
It must be points, as I see atomictom and other Dot ranks there!
How do we get to see the real D12 standings?
It is making sense now why some players need to be at the top ranks at any cost!!! LOL Eureka!
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
lifeinpixels wrote:
It's based on points; there are some players in the top 12 who choose not to buy a high rank.

And what is the "real D12 standings"?
oliver wrote:
You can see the full list on page 1 of this forum, in the modified first post of Vexer. you can see the real amount of points of each player (november)
Abandono el juego por el trato recibido.
Matty wrote:

I ended the final D12 game - it will never finish unless one of us makes a very stupid mistake.
Looks like we've played too good, and tontot timed out at a bad moment.

We really need those exponential dice now ;)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
Congrats everybody!

Who's the Dominator now?
Maybe the final should be played capitals?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Joca wrote:
I have to say that we would probably finished it, if tontot was there. He went off in a delicate moment.
Apart from that it was a very good game. Probably the best I've ever played.
Vexer wrote:
Do you 4 want to try the game again on a different map, one that has no chance for a stalemate? Will tontot be available to play?

Matty wrote:
I would like another game, but not with 3 persons, and tontot just left, not saying anything, just left.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Dferguson wrote:
would it be to much to ask for an updated D12 list... just want to see where I land.

no real rush on it though; I realize your all busy.
Vexer wrote:
Congratulations to the Dominating 12 for December 2013

1 Vexer
2 lifeinpixels
3 thaithai
4 Spartakus
5 Matty
6 copperbird
7 Antonis_xania
8 Fendi
9 Dferguson
10 InigoMontoya
11 suldam
12 Joca

As with the last list only points were used to make this list. To make it on the list you had to have played at least 30 games total and been active in the last 15 days. We now have 692 players who meet the criteria.

Full List:

There will be no Dominator game this month because of the Holidays. I will post a new list early next year.
Fendi wrote:
Oh no! I have dropped down 4 spots!

Thanks for the list Vexer.
Vexer wrote:
Ha ha, you had more points than me when I ran it yesterday but I ran out of time to post it so I ran it again this morning before posting to get the most updated data and was happy to see that I was back on top.