The current 12 best players on the site
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dough_boy wrote:
I am not sure about the game types or maps and live vs long term. I have never played a live game...don't have time for them.

I like the finished 5 games, should there be a requirement to have won 1 of them? The reason I made my initial suggestion is that if you had to play 5 games each of the preceding 3 months, (so Sep, Oct, Nov), it would prevent someone who has a higher ranking of making it for just coming back in say Nov.

I also still maintain that what is the point of the dominating 12? Is it who has the highest rating or who improved their rating the most? These to me are the truly dominating people.
AlexCheckMate wrote:
Putting aside the argument as to whether this really represents the best players of the last month, is everyone happy with the frequency? Does it feel like it comes around too often?

To me, I like the idea which you pitched earlier, regarding consistency; setup games every month.
This would get game-data-input for the D12 game of Feb from Jan and the March D12 game from Feb, etc. ~provided the games finish timely.
I'm however also perfectly fine with making it 2 months? Or any other constant interval (or even something less bounded ;d). That said; once/month doesn't strike me as too often.

But I think that needs to be tougher such as finishing 5 games in 15 days. Or tougher still: How about a minimum of 2 different game types, a minimum amount of maps and how about at least one live and one long LT game?
~Not sure whether that actually leads to 'better/more dominating' players to be selected - it'll make it tougher though; as people need to play more games (and especially for non-premium players, this could be a bottleneck). Not sure whether activity should be a main driver as selection criterium. Changing from playing 5 in 15, to finishing 10 in 30 already feels more 'soft' of a change. As for how well it represents what you guys intend it to represent... I guess that's rather hard. If you wish to change it, there'll be some kind of comparing apples with pears... (maps/LT/types - there's 1v1, caps, assass etc tournaments) - anyway, I notice my writing becomes less and less comprehensible, more of a clutter :d

I like the spark TP_knighty initiated and the response Matty gave; creating another list based on a different formula: - provided there is (enough) desire from the community/staff to alter stuff (and time/willingness to code it).

For now, I mostly just replied to acknowledge that I read it :p I'll probably be ok with whatever gets decided upon (or voice myself more elaborately before the fat lady sings)

“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”

― Albert Einstein
maafi wrote:
Congratulations to slackbatter, on regaining his Dominator crown.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
aeronautic wrote:
Hey hey Slacky got Dominator again, well done mate !
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
Format for Dominator tournament. (tried and tested in world inverted challenge and other map master tournaments)

8 points (8 opponents beaten) for 9 player games in all of our following formats.
Capitals (fog)?
and 1 point for a 1v1 game against each opponent. (suitable size map)
in total it is 12 games. this could give the d12 name a bit of sense.
the 1v1 games are really bonus points that can break a tie breaker. you will need to have won a 9 player game to win. win 2, then your dominating!
Most points win.
all games played at the same time (not sametime - calm down).
I think it can better determine an overall skill set (aside from sametime / team formats ) and it promotes activity within these top players from challenge to challenge.
Hoodlum is online.
slackbatter wrote:
Sounds like a lot of fun. Would be neat to have all the big games on the same map and the little games all on another map. Then change the maps each time. I would have to get me some 1v1 skiils though.
slackbatter is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
maafi is on holiday for a bit. i will set this one up to get it underway. the contenders to challenge the dominator are: pending availability

@slackbatter (confirmed)
@AlexCheckMate (confirmed)
@alphax211 (confirmed)
@Henris_1 (confirmed)
@hooboy11 (confirmed)
@ProblemChild96 (confirmed)
@KOE_KittyKat (confirmed)
@Dima (confirmed)
@OldDogGen (confirmed)

@vikingo1337 (unavailable)   @maafi (unavailable)
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Sounds like a lot of fun. Would be neat to have all the big games on the same map and the little games all on another map. Then change the maps each time. I would have to get me some 1v1 skiils though.
Yup that is the plan. same big map and same little map.
Baltic Sea was due for it's rotation. Balkan Peninsula for the small map - avoiding maps with 2 or 3 territory bonus regions for a likely unfair drop. Balk. Pen seems to have worked well for pairs and 1v1 games.
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
winners prize

An insignia badge
The dominator rank
The dominator icon in the d12 list
Double points (this will be for whatever 9 player game that the overall WINNER of the tournament has won to seal the victory) edited for alexcheckmate
A month free premium

Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Tournament started. GLA

12 games

Wins/Losses Talley 9 player games worth 8 points. 1v1's = 1 point GLA
Hoodlum is online.