The current 12 best players on the site
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Matty wrote:
Congratulations maafi!

I'm not sure about the crown thing, but are the stars, points and a month premium are ok :dealwithit:.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Sygmassacre wrote:
"Mr Dominator" *bows*
I see the holiday in paradise did you a world of good (Y)
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Hoodlum wrote:
The dominating 12 list displays the active players with the most points.
Ideally, the dominating title is meant to be played once a month.
Ideally, it should be a title rewarded to players that have dominated during each month. Points/wins earned for that monthly cycle. You would think.
Currently, you only have to log into your account, and look active without being active and still play for the title. It could be a weeks, months
without an actual game, and you can enter the d12 game. Currently if you want to the dominating player, it requires you to be selective of who you
play, sticking to what your good at, avoid noobies, avoid playing at all (losing your 12 spot), avoid unfamiliar gametypes and avoid 1v1 games at all cost. Thankfully, the best active players are continually winning the title..shot
CheekyTeeky wrote:
I agree with you on some points hood. I have noticed that there are a few players who sit on their high rank to only play the D12 title match. It would be nice if some kind of minimum game play limit was added to the criteria or even some kind of depreciation to rank based on inactivity.

Well done to those who have managed to make the list in the first place, particularly players like maafi and slack who play with everyone in numerous settings. I aspire to be up there with them, whether people take advantage of the current system or just makes me more determined ;)
You have a keen military mind Pod...
Matty wrote:
There is a minimum game play limit. But it has to be possible to be in the top 12 if you are not a premium player and you only play long term fixed card games.

For as long as it's possible to play like that and still end up on top of the d12, I'm open for suggestions to improve it.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
CheekyTeeky wrote:
Thanks Matty. Forgive my ignorance but what is the limit? And why does reaching the top 12 have to accommodate such a game setting?
You have a keen military mind Pod...
Matty wrote:
Thanks Matty. Forgive my ignorance but what is the limit?
Didn't know myself, so I looked it up. It's 1 (in the last 15 days). Hmm, thought it was more.

There is also a requirement of at least 30 games total.

And why does reaching the top 12 have to accommodate such a game setting?
It should accomodate any combination of game settings - this one happends to be the one whose games tend to last longest.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
CheekyTeeky wrote:
Thanks for the clarification. I still see areas that could be improved in the requirements to make the title more competitive and less stagnant, however if the site wants to maintain a meritocracy for the title based on using any game type exclusively then that is fine. As I said I'm determined either way ^^
You have a keen military mind Pod...
Matty wrote:
Hmmm, if you want to organise a tournament yourself to experiment with this, what kind of statistics would you need?
Points gained per month + games played per month?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
dough_boy wrote:
Hmmm, if you want to organise a tournament yourself to experiment with this, what kind of statistics would you need?
Points gained per month + games played per month?
I am sure you can come up with something, but I think points and games by themselves are not really good. For instance I rarely ever do 1v1 as I would assume the person going first wins 70% or more of the time. You can rack up a lot of games and small point wins really quickly. I noticed in the recent tourney I was in my competitor went first all three games and won all three. From checking other results it appeared whoever went first probably won 80% or more of the time in round 2. I think that is statistically significant. I won all three games in round 1 and went first all three.

I could win 1 9 person game and get 150 points. I could win 10 2 person games and get the same 150 points. Is there any difference between the two? The first one arguably requires more skill I you are playing in a v9 tourney...
Matty wrote:
Win 10 two-player games straight? That requires quite some skill o_O

In my experience (if both players are good) the dice matter more then the starting position (unless it's REALLY good), but yeah, once ppl are good enough in 2p games, luck matters quite a bit.

But points are designed to show your skill accross all game modes. Sure, if you play team games with a fixed partner against random ppl you're more likely to win and stuff, there are ways to get easier points here or there, but overall (given enough games played) I find that ppl with loads of points are generally quite good, while ppl with few points make more mistakes.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Hoodlum wrote:
dunno when the next dominating12 game is but a couple of players at the top of the heap of points, have been inactive for over a month and shouldn't really be eligible for the next one since they haven't dominated anything from the last dominating12 game to the next one. Not taking away their achievement of rating, they have ranks for that if they choose. There is no dominating going on from these players and this prestigious title at the moment encourages a bit of camping out for the next game once you get lots of points.

last game ended07 Jun tp_knighty
last game ended18 Jun albert einstein
Matty wrote:
Hmmm, should I add a requirement of having turns taken in at least 5 different games over the lat 15 days?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Sygmassacre wrote:
If I somehow end up 10th on the list then by all means kick one of them out lol
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator