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- Posted: 7 years ago
- Modified: 7 years ago
Post #691
There is a new list of dominators, congratz all:
The full list is here: https://dominating12.com/tutorial/thedominating12/2017-03-22%2018:12:26
I'll message the players for a dominating12 game.
- Vexer
- slackbatter
- maafi
- Albert Einstein
- PatrickStarr
- 4960epic
- TP_knighty
- nikeboix69
- Deepdaleduck
- menick55
- Strategery
- Henris_1
The full list is here: https://dominating12.com/tutorial/thedominating12/2017-03-22%2018:12:26
I'll message the players for a dominating12 game.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria