The current 12 best players on the site
  • 1367 posts
  • Page 6 of 92
Jimi wrote:
I think I made a huge improvement in playing risk, and I was so active last 3 months, so I think I deserve to be between 30-25th ... I know vexer is busy , but I think the coming list will have many changes than previous for all players ... D12 became a big site now ..

good luck everyone

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Jimi wrote:
I think I made a huge improvement in playing risk, and I was so active last 3 months, so I think I deserve to be between 30-25th ... I know vexer is busy , but I think the coming list will have many changes than previous for all players ... D12 became a big site now ..

good luck everyone

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

n0ble0ne wrote:
Would be awesome to have a page with rankings for all the players rather than posting 12 every time :/
Cireon wrote:
You mean like this?
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
n0ble0ne wrote:
wahaha. I have been to that page by mistake many times but never paid attention.

- Having a number next to the ranks would make it look much better?
- Having a search button to directly jump to your name?
Vexer wrote:
Numbers next to the names won't look better, but it might be useful data.

Adding a search button is already on the to do list. You just have to convince matty that it's important enough to go higher on the list.
Jimi wrote:
go matty go matty go

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

Dracarys wrote:
I agree with NobleOne regarding the numbers rank. The most compelling point would be the opportunity to see the ranking of someone who is stockpiling points and not ranking up. Which leads me a follow up question. If someone is stockpiling points and doesn't rank up, do they receive more points for a win than someone with an equal point total that is fully ranked?
Cireon wrote:
This is currently being discussed in this topic, but the answer is: no. The point gain is not depending on rank, but on the amount of points you currently have. Ranks are just aesthetic.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Paddlin wrote:
You know, I think that instead of attempting to attain a comprehensive ranking system, it would be better to have categorical ranks. Right now, we could have skill points, rank, D12 for categories. But, in the future, more categories could account for different things. For instance, we could have capitals-based skill points vs. deathmatch based skill points. I can imagine a bunch of potential ranking systems. 

This way, we get rid of the thought that any ranking system will be "comprehensive" or the "single-best." People are better at different things, and we could creatively construct categories to account for those things. Then, if someone consistently shows up at the top of each category, she will be considered a well-rounded and adaptive player. 
Matty wrote:
Long live Fendi!
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Fendi wrote:
Paddlin is on to something and I couldnt agree more with him. If a player should be ranked as the "best" on this site then it should also be expected that that player can master all the settings, whether it be fixed, increasing, capitals, death match and so on.

I know time and patience is an issue here because lets face it, whos got the time to come up with a ranking system for every setting that is played here? We should definitely keep this in mind for the future.

lol @ Matty! =)