Pairs Tournaments (hosted by Hoodlum)
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Hoodlum wrote:

EUROPE map / Deathmatch / Chained / Increasing cards

This tournament will start with 16 teams (32 players). A default team name will be given to you or you can choose a team name.

It is a basic knock out tournament. The winning team will have won all 4 games.

Semi finalists and winning teams qualify to enter a future TEAM OF CHAMPIONS tournament.

TOURNAMENT SET UP(image will update with tournament progress) (click to show)

Games have been pre set up and ready to go. Wait for your invite or private message from the tournament director.

KNOCKOUT ROUND 01 (click to show)

KNOCKOUT ROUND 02 (click to show)

SEMI FINALS (click to show)

FINALE (click to show)

This tournament will be seeded match ups according to previous match winnng form in tournaments. Teams with the most wins will start at opposite ends of the tournament set up for potential epic finals rematches

Axobongo wrote:
Thus it begins....  Tally Ho! everyone!       ,,,,Our team and the L1883R'5 already win the spastic name prize! ,, {and honorable mention for having the jazziest _vs_ row on the list}  
Hoodlum wrote:
We have a FINAL GAME. DOMINATION INC vs GrandMasters
Hoodlum wrote:

NEW ZEALAND map / Deathmatch / Chained / Increasing cards

This tournament will start with 16 teams (32 players). A default team name will be given to you or you can choose a team name.

It is a basic knock out tournament. The winning team will have won all 4 games.

Semi finalists and winning teams qualify to enter a future TEAM OF CHAMPIONS tournament.

TOURNAMENT SET UP(image will update with tournament progress) (click to show)

Games have been pre set up and ready to go. Wait for your invite or private message from the tournament director.

KNOCKOUT ROUND 01 (click to show)

KNOCKOUT ROUND 02 (click to show)

SEMI FINALS (click to show)

FINALE (click to show)

This tournament will be seeded match ups according to previous match winnng form in tournaments. Teams with the most wins will start at opposite ends of the tournament set up for potential epic finals rematches

Hoodlum wrote:
And the winner is::: DOMINATION INC -- CONGRATS!!


Round 1. +22 points
Round 2. +21 points
Round 3. +24 points
Round 4. +20 points

+ 87 extra points each, for being the Tournament Winner.

Team Dominator (click to show)

Europe tournament still underway, so teams can still earn points to enter the TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS, which is next. (Check team dominator standings)


KO.Round 1. = World Classic
KO.Round 2. = GB & Ireland
SEMI.Round 3 = New Zealand
Robben wrote:
Hoodlum, please find me any teammate for the europe one. But reliable of course.
Axobongo wrote:
i love tourneys, i put my heart and soul in them, i study the map and the moves and carefully consider various options, i take the time to calculate, and i believe some turns are just crucial to plan with ones partner.

i hereby dissolve AxMaMaxMo, and have been forced to resign from the tourney, my heart is broken,,

i am looking for an experienced player , who is willing to sometimes discuss options, and who wont blow off taking turns, to form a new partnership with.

 (PS. no hard feelings between my previous partner and i, we had no arguments, we get along great, he's a terrific person, but i can't go through the stress of having my messages ignored, or my partners missing turns)

aeronautic wrote:
Congratulations Knighty Knight.
Winners of the Europe Pairs Tournament.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
The_Bishop wrote:
Congrats Knights!

My question is... How Death from Above lost the final game??
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
A terrible drop, starting second and no good dice to back - you need really bad opponents to stand a chance in such a game, and their opponents did just fine.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria