Make Dominating 12 look and function better!
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Matty wrote:
The div around a url element has a "tc" class, which is the territory colour. That's how a player is linked to a territory.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
dough_boy wrote:
Using Styler with some CSS and JS I was able to get done what I wanted. This of course until you make changes...

You can probably ignore all of my wishes...I will work on the filtering of games on my end.

Matty wrote:
Nice, good modding!
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
dough_boy wrote:
Thanks...I just worked on moving the chat up there one the left as well. Now everything is nice and condensed. Also got the filtering working on the game lobby too.
Aitch wrote:
Using Styler with some CSS and JS I was able to get done what I wanted. This of course until you make changes...

You can probably ignore all of my wishes...I will work on the filtering of games on my end.



Can the Chat Box be put on the right hand side so it's always shown... that way you don't miss any requests to let troops pass through etc

Kickass work dude!
dough_boy wrote:
Technically yes. Below is my latest layout and enhancements (chat box positioning and addition of users ranking). I still need to do some other things, but it is all working. This only works on this map. I could write some more JS to write rules to modify things depending on the map and size, etc.

Aitch wrote:
Awesome! Where have you been all this time dude lol!

Showing players Ranking is super cool - helps everyone determine who is really the biggest threat lol

Also, in addition to Ranking - showing the percentage of games Won would be useful too... so a dude who has played 1000 games and won 250, would be at 25% etc
dough_boy wrote:
The nice thing is that because it is all HTML/CSS each person can do what they want. Maybe we should create a "Mod board" where people could request mod's and share "hacks".

Yup...should be able to show all of that as well.
Hoodlum wrote:
woah this is neat. wish I knew how to do it.. good stuff dough_boy
Aitch wrote:
Something else that would be cool and super useful - adding a running tally of (A)ttacks, showing (K)ills and (L)osses for every player... would help to stop arguments over how fair the dice really are lol

Kinda like this - maybe even throw in the percentage of Kills vs Losses:

Dude1 - (A) 10 ... (K) 100 ... (L) 100 ... (%) 100
Dude2 - (A) 10 ... (K) 105 ... (L) 115 ... (%) 91
Dude3 - (A) 10 ... (K) 130 ... (L) 110 ... (%) 118
Aitch --- (A) 10 ... (K) 110 ... (L) 150 ... (%) 73 (as usual lol)

Would need to make space for it on the screen somewhere, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem?
dough_boy wrote:
That should be doable too. It doesn't have to be visible all the time. I have been toying with the idea of making a new "user bar" floating along the top of the map or maybe bottom that has the name, rank and maybe something like your %. Then you could click on a user and it would highlight their territory and also pop-up the details for the breakdown.

Anyone can do this and I can "release" my mods. I was thinking maybe there could be a forum setup where people can share their mods and others can request tweaks, etc. This is only 86 lines of code or so, but probably 25 of that is related to auto filtering of the available games to exclude ones I don't qualify for or I am not interested in (e.g. map).
Aitch wrote:
Sounds great! Have the Admins got in touch with you to get things implemented?
Aitch wrote:
The guys running this place are kinda amateurish... they should have put you on the payroll by now dangit

How can people use your Mod dude? Would you mind putting up a step-by-step guide and links to what needs to be downloaded etc...

If the Admins don't appreciate your work... I'm sure the players here will!
Aitch wrote:
Dude, can your Mod add extra buttons too?

Like after an attack - a Drop-List opens up so you can choose how many troops you want to move... could 2 more buttons appear which " Move All" and "Move None"

Would make things a bit quicker - and prevent mis-clicks...