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2ofclubs wrote:
The town council will probably fire me for this.
Here is my vanilla role with a few edits to keep from being needeled. Only a true pin-head can PM me with what was edited. Let's unify against the scum who likely already know each other. They don't know who has what abilities as long as we continue to claim unchocolate.
I'm sorry, is this a new slang word I'm unfamiliar with, or a game word?
When someone claims vanilla, it means that they have no special abilities besides the basic ability to vote.
By saying unchocolate, its referencing the word vanilla.
2ofclubs wrote:
Ahh there's the thick I think I know.
Hi Lizard. So now we can make banana splits. No nuts on mine.
Keep up with the questions V7. You are soon to be addicted to mafia. LOL
Host can't be killed or bribed and has last word.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i am back - all went well - thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
it is amazing what the Lord and technology can do = she had a total hip replacement - the incision is about 5 inches long. the dr. went in thru that little space, cut off the end of the femur bone, cut out the socket portion of the pelvis and replaced both in about an hour. he did not curt any muscles but went between them. we are home and she walked into our home (up 5 steps) with just the assistance of a rolling walker for stability. Praise the Lord ! :)

# unlynch club
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
AnimusVox7 wrote:
we are home and she walked into our home (up 5 steps) with just the assistance of a rolling walker for stability. Praise the Lord ! :)

Wow, that truly is amazing. Congrats on successful operation!

Host can't be killed or bribed and has last word.

Hmmm, i mean on one hand you have a point, but on the other hand that's exactly what someone who Needled the moderator and is wearing his skin would say right now |)
2ofclubs wrote:
i am back - all went well - thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
it is amazing what the Lord and technology can do = she had a total hip replacement - the incision is about 5 inches long. the dr. went in thru that little space, cut off the end of the femur bone, cut out the socket portion of the pelvis and replaced both in about an hour. he did not curt any muscles but went between them. we are home and she walked into our home (up 5 steps) with just the assistance of a rolling walker for stability. Praise the Lord ! :)

# unlynch club
Amazing. She will be back to kicking yura$$ back in line in no time. I bet that's what caused the hip issues into 1st place. :P
2ofclubs wrote:
we are home and she walked into our home (up 5 steps) with just the assistance of a rolling walker for stability. Praise the Lord ! :)

Wow, that truly is amazing. Congrats on successful operation!

Host can't be killed or bribed and has last word.

Hmmm, i mean on one hand you have a point, but on the other hand that's exactly what someone who Needled the moderator and is wearing his skin would say right now |)
Nope most games it stated in the opening to respect moderator and be nice on this family based site. In fact we have a few teenagers and ladies playing mafia regularly.
I am a good ol plain vanilla villager out in the open with nothing to hide ♣︎♣︎
In fairness I have bitten Hood TLM and Thick pretty hard in the past and them I. That's part of why we banter and mistrust all in fun. Though Hood was the only one to double double cross me in Cartels (well plaid).
Crywolf wrote:
i am back - all went well - thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
it is amazing what the Lord and technology can do = she had a total hip replacement - the incision is about 5 inches long. the dr. went in thru that little space, cut off the end of the femur bone, cut out the socket portion of the pelvis and replaced both in about an hour. he did not curt any muscles but went between them. we are home and she walked into our home (up 5 steps) with just the assistance of a rolling walker for stability. Praise the Lord ! :)

# unlynch club
Glad everything went well!
New Mafia game coming
Rockbert wrote:
Glad and happy to hear all went well Tennessee!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
AnimusVox7 wrote:
Nope most games it stated in the opening to respect moderator and be nice on this family based site. In fact we have a few teenagers and ladies playing mafia regularly.
Ah okay. I have a rather vulgar sense of humor and I'm sorry if my recent post or previous ones crossed the line on what's permitted. If i do cross or border the line in the future please let me know
LizardMagpie wrote:
I like the idea that we have to worry about the finer feelings of mafia-playing ladies. That's how I'm going to imagine you all from now on - 80+ year-old matrons, blue-rinse, clutching your pearls!
ThickTalon wrote:
I like the idea that we have to worry about the finer feelings of mafia-playing ladies. That's how I'm going to imagine you all from now on - 80+ year-old matrons, blue-rinse, clutching your pearls!
That's it ..... someone hold my walker!
2ofclubs wrote:
I like the idea that we have to worry about the finer feelings of mafia-playing ladies. That's how I'm going to imagine you all from now on - 80+ year-old matrons, blue-rinse, clutching your pearls!
That's it ..... someone hold my walker!
Walker? I am going to my motorized SS chair and crush them pearl necklas substitutes. Then use them for a fresh coat of paint.
Ps. Thanks for dropping the 'suck eggs'.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i am just sitting here waiting for my ship to come in - any new info ely
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.