Official Animal Kingdom Game
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Rockbert wrote:
KC, care to state your species for the record?
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
MacEohaid wrote:
Now that you all know, I recommend that everyone reveal who they are so we can expose the poachers. TLM reasoning here.
MacEohaid wrote:
Rockbert, and 2oClubs, since you are air, you have just forced the breach of your own faction and weakened it by outing me and forcing the revealing a member or possibly members of your team, if you are in fact air.
KC321 wrote:
I'm the BAT! I distracted TLM last night as I suspect he was/is a poacher. I have been trading PMs with 2OC who will likely vouch for me. He repeatedly asked which BIRD I am knowing full well that that I was the only flyer not a bird and just needed confirmation. I'm laying my cards on the table as I suspect I'm about to be dead in the night phase.
KC321 wrote:
2OC, let us know who else is claiming vulture and we can make getting a poacher outta here easy.
MacEohaid wrote:
I'm the BAT! I distracted TLM last night as I suspect he was/is a poacher. I have been trading PMs with 2OC who will likely vouch for me. He repeatedly asked which BIRD I am knowing full well that that I was the only flyer not a bird and just needed confirmation. I'm laying my cards on the table as I suspect I'm about to be dead in the night phase.

Then why prey tell would you lynch me since you suspect TLM to be the poacher? I feel like I'm on the island of Dr. Moreau.
Madagascarter wrote:
Interesting, KC saying he distracted TLM, I know I distracted KC. So clearly TLM can’t back that up. What could be backed up though, is whether a Water person is going to claim a distractor.
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Summer 2 Countdown

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KC321 wrote:
My vote may or may not change. 2oC knows everyone who is air. I HOPE that he also knows all other species. If he does, he can let us know who else claimed vulture, and then its you or them. If the other who is claims vulture can speak up that would also help streamline things.
Madagascarter wrote:
Let’s be clear. We have 5 birds claimed, so everyone should be voting someone claiming a bird.

2ofclubs - Inclined to believe is a bird due to dual natured power.
KC123 - Claims Bat - Was distracted last night and there was no obvious poacher kill.
Pygmy - No real data
Rockbert - No real data
MacEohoid - Claims Vulture.

I think KC has the most evidence against him. But if another bird wants to come forth as a duplicate of these, then we narrow the suspects down to 2
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

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KC321 wrote:
@Mada, what evidence do I have against me!? I'm the most vocal in the forum, but have no evidence that I am a poacher
notoriouspat wrote:
Sorry. Let me try that again KC, b/c I was unclear.
1. I like that list
2. I have 90% the same list
3. You are not in my faction and don't have you pegged as anything.
4. You want TLM dead and I'm 99% sure he's Water, not poacher.
5. I'd rather try and get suspected poachers out first, but if not then another faction is fine too.
2ofclubs wrote:
I know for a fact that real animal abilities don't neccearily match mafia ability. ABS also said this on the opening post.
For the record, I nor my faction had anything to do with the Lions death.

2oClubs, do you know every member of your faction?

yes Allegedly ;) but this is mafia and scum have away for a short while to hide.
I am playing non group chats to keep in check and out the potential fake.
I can vouch for ALL but Chaos and Mac. I could be wrong too.
Ok the all may have been exaggerated for good reason.
That's why I said allegedly. I new there was a fox in the hen house. Knowing I was Air, there were plenty of PM opportunities for confiding and working with me/us. We didn't force anything but we did put pressure on the liar(s).
Rock do you see and confirmed the 3rd angle here we discussed?

2ofclubs wrote:

Why are you voting No Lynch?
A) Waiting for info on poacher to surface.
B) Not wanting to vote on fellow poacher.
C) not wanting to kill animal.
D) etc