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Bluegoetz wrote:
I don't think it matters. hood getting lynched. guess we see where this rabbit hole goes (though i doubt the town will wake up any wiser)
periwinkle wrote:
I want to visit someone... who can I visit that will open? I had zero info to work with for 3 days. Lemme know
Bluegoetz wrote:
hopefully the remaining townies will?have made some good visit location choices today and tomorrow and we can separate abs truth from the lies
periwinkle wrote:
Which places can I visit (that don't require a person to open?) I arranged to meet the doc last time but he got killed....so yeah....
Abs wrote:
I am no longer a researcher, I am back in a different form after visiting The Dark. We live in the life but others are in The Dark….

My win clause is no longer of a Researcher and there Is another win clause in The Dark that none of us here on earth have control over unless we close the door to the Astral Seal. All in the Dark are rules by their astral sign, there are no factions…

I am the Lord of the Light….I am here to save Town and bring light back to the earth

This is a summary
Abs wrote:
Oh so.Abs IS claiming Hood is CIA?
And Hood.is not.lynching him?

I’m not 100% he is CIA, I know he is 1 of 3 options but Hood also knows there is now more to the game
Bluegoetz wrote:

Virtuosity98 wrote:  Posted: Yesterday, 18:33 
Post #795
Just a few hours to submit or modify those night actions!! Precious few Puzzle Pieces have been uncovered so far - they can only be obtained by Visiting certain specific Locations.
Also please note: The following Locations will now default to being OPEN when their Owner is dead (unless specified otherwise through a very specific game mechanic):
- Museum
- Broadcasting Station
- Library
- Yoga Studio
- Cinema
Abs wrote:

@Abs, step forward. I hereby ****** to The Light, and may your return be joyful and prosperous back in the Light. Your body as the Gardener and Researcher is no more, you play a larger role now to protect and bring togetherness to the souls and Astral Spirits of the people of The Town. So much Darkness has already fallen and you oh Lord of Light are here to help Town bring peace to their souls and remove the chaos of The Dark. Help the spirits of the Light find their true Astral Element and seal the door to The Dark once and for all

Your time on Earth is not infinite and the amount of energy and belief the souls of Light have in you, will determine how long you are able to live again on this Earth.

Win Clause: Bring Light to all inhabitants of the Town and ********
2ofclubs wrote:
I'm.not following cause i have less than one hour to play pyr.day
And i don't understand many things. Symbols, sentences.
I just research at night and Virt told me it's.useless.unlhss inhave some kind of sign.
My extra ability has so far not have any impact. Maybe in the late game when i know more.
Why Hood.is sacrificing himself?

20+ pages surrounding Abs resurrection and another tier of the game.
Abs claims Ely Hood or Jkl is Cia and at least 2 of them are.
This mY be out dated by now and there is more.
2ofclubs is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Which places can I visit (that don't require a person to open?) I arranged to meet the doc last time but he got killed....so yeah....
Hospital library radio station for starts off memory
2ofclubs is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
PERI this is a very unusal detailed game. You are doing well. It is hard for me too.
2ofclubs is online.