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Tennesseelogman wrote:
during the night the villains were arguing over who would get the last piece of pizza when a noise was heard outside their lair - it turned out to a hero trying to sneak a peak at the happenings in there. as the villains attacked him he tried in vain to pull out a special defense but alas - it was too late. a shot rang out and max was dead - face down in the muck. he was a hero and died clutching influencer and time travel abilities - the 2 he started with.

we are down to 7 live players
it is now day12 - get your lynch votes in before 21;00
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Abs wrote:
Pygmy is somehow killing off everyone and wont die!

#Lynch pygmy before he causes more chaos
Tennesseelogman wrote:
the lynch vote is

pygmy - 3 - jkl. abs, vic
abs - 1 = pyg

after the application of abilities = jkl and abs are dead. no, no, no - not really = pygmy is finally dead Pygmy was a hero. he started w time travel and influencer but died w nothing

it is now night 13 (which may be shortened , so heads up and pay attention) the rest of the phases may only be a few minutes long or may be full length.
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
during the shortened night phase
nobody died
it is now day 13 - get your votes in asap and the phase may end early
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman is online.