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Kyla wrote:
I don't doubt that those convos happened, but it's too easy for dough to switch the names around to lead the town where he wants
dough_boy wrote:
Could be what it means. Hood cleared me looking at his message.

And don't worry, we are having conversations without you three. :)
elysium5 wrote:
When you say you e having convo's without those three, I have to assume you are referring to me as 'those three' as you have been sure I have been three different people, right?
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
dough_boy wrote:
Ely and Kyla both claimed Escort. Yet now they are voting together. You would think logic would say that Kyla should be lynching Ely and Ely lynching Kyla. Mafia wouldn't claim the same role as each other. So they are different roles. If either of them were truly Town they would immediately have called for the others head.
Vicious wrote:
Kyla wrote:  Posted: Today, 01:47 am 
Post #226
obviously that quote you made up would insinuate that I'm jester

Yes Kyla you are the Jester we both know how I know
Kyla wrote:
there was another person claiming escort too, I'm not risking it
elysium5 wrote:
Really, dough? don't mention the OBVIOUS that we both might be worried that the other might be Jester and don't want to kill ourselves...
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
dough_boy wrote:
LYNCH Dough_boy

Complete and utter nonsense. You guys really want me to not win just because i outted Kyla as jester and 75% of the mafia from the first day? Sore losers...

Even syg who I accused of being Mafia knows I am not lying.

This is why i told Hood I didn't want to play mafia anymore.
dough_boy wrote:
Really, dough? don't mention the OBVIOUS that we both might be worried that the other might be Jester and don't want to kill ourselves...

Takes more than one vote to get rid of jester...and Vicious just told everyone Kyla is jester...she should want to get voted out not start a lynch mob because she cannot win.
Vicious wrote:
lol and you are very good at your role kyla!! I'm taking notes ;)
You even have me going!! bravo
jimmy1066 wrote:
My reasoning is this:
One scenario you are a survivor who has worked for the town piecing things together. Syg is the vet, Paulcha the consig or serial killer maybe. The other is that the reason I failed to kill you when I shot you is because you are the godfather, the reason the sheriff trusts you is because you have the ability to avoid town detection, you are mafia so have more information and as such pieced together who was who and puppeteered the slaughter by sending everyone to Paulcha who is the real vet. Now both you are Syg tell me to kill him which feels like a method for having me killed by the vet. If you die and you were the survivor, I will personally give you your bonus from my share, because we will still win. We will have enough to follow through with votes and kills and know you were right.