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4960epic wrote:
lynch hoodlum
In the movies at this point boromir is dead, i have never seen you use your powers hood
UltrasPlot wrote:
Lynch -1 for Hoodlum. Too lazy to do full count. Sry!
Six hour extension granted.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Majority. Day Three has ended. Hoodlum was lynched. He was the Witch-King of Angmar.
From his pocket was extracted this letter:
Role PM (click to show)

Satisfied, you go home to await another night... and the dreads that come with it. It is now Night 3. Deadline in 24 hours.
UltrasPlot wrote:
don't deadtalk please james. also, All night actions in!
The Soldiers of Gondor and four of the remaining Nazgul went on a hunt for their target, and upon finding him, aimed their swords and Morgul blades at him. However, a shower of arrows stopped the weapons in their paths.

The other four Nazgul, armed with a Morgul blade created by the power of the One were also hunting for their target. A shadowy figure armed with a hammer jumped in front of them and destroyed the Morgul blade, however. No one died tonight.

It is now Day Four. Deadline in 48 hours.