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BETA wrote:
OXEN's Testimonial..

Don't shatter tears over spilled blood!! Gondor will prosper without I am sure of it!!!

First of all I want to thank you guys for all the love I got from you guys (Especially u KElly <3) !!

I get why the the mafia and Gollum (YES THEY BOTH WENT AFTER THE GREAT OX) its obvious I made them shiver with fear being alive.. Strategy wise they didn't realize they make GONDOR stronger with my death... NOOBS muhahah...

I wish Éowyn, shieldmaiden would have used his BG skills to protect as agreed upon... I was pretty sure the would kill try to come after me, he was not! Might have been a fake promise.. ;) People at the Embassy of Edora knows who he is!!!

I was hoping we wouldn't Kill James the first night.. So we could have used him to flush out the rest of his scum compatriots.. But I guess you did not posses the OX-courage to do so... I was able to get out a little info from him before he was lynched. I added it in the forum (The part he excluded when he posted our convo)

So watch out for VotaSR(the only one never to claim any character) but more for VotJR(smigli) ( I urge Allies of Middle Earth to avenge me!)

Then we have our lil' Precious Gollum, whom I believe is hidding behind Bilbo Aggins . . . His Role-PM is to weak plus he is to observing to be an ally of Middle Earth in my opinion.. ( I hope Faramir and SoG carryout my wishes and end's his pitiful little life! )

If by any chance the Votaz's are not the ones we are looking for I would urge you all to look at either Boromir and Elrond (Who Claims he tracked me)...

I still advice you all allies of MiddleEarth to stick to the last plan before my death!!

I wish you all the best of luck, now kill some Modorian Butt.. And iStinky to! :P
UltrasPlot wrote:
how did u edit something posted hours ago... only first posts can do that
Votazap wrote:
really oxen??
Spoiler (click to show)
OXEN wrote:
Really Votazap

Spoiler (click to show)

Spoiler (click to show)
OXEN wrote:
Return of the MoX

Votazap wrote:
Samurai, you literally came in and lynched me with no further thoughts, did you not read my pm??? My suspicions are rising
UltrasPlot wrote:
OXEN has been penalized for deadtalking.
Just kidding, I can't penalize a dead person >.>
UltrasPlot wrote:
Day Two - Votecount One
iTrend - stratosphere, Votazap, 4960epic (4) L - 4 (Yes, 4 votes, not 3)
Votazap - SamuraiX (1.5)

Remember, deadline in less than 24 hours.
VOTA ONLY (click to show)