Map Creation
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jonboy1967 wrote:
El Paso region- Pecos Valley
Alpine Region- Big Bend
Austin Region- The Hill Country
Maverick Region-San Antonio
Zapata Region-The Valley
McAllen Region- South Texas
Goliad Region- Corpus Christi
Brazoria-Padre......And Brazoria is still spelled Brazaria
Gonzales region-Shiner
Houston region- Texan
Hardin region- Beaumont
Sabine region- Piney Woods
Rusk region- Taylor
Red River region- Texarkana
Cooke region- North Texas
Dallas region- Cowboy
Travis region-Longhorn
Mills region-Bear
Wichita region-grasslands
Ward region- Oil Derrick
Lamb region-Raider
Floyd region- Edwards Plateau
Dalham region- Dalhart
Donley region- Panhandle
Amarillo region- N. Panhandle
Coke- Prickly Pear
Grimes-Sam Houston
naathim wrote:
Cowboy, Texan, and Longhorn? LOL I love it!

I KNEW I forgot something when I was editing names darn it.

IDK about Oil Derrick and Grasslands... I'll do a little research on the counties, maybe there's something a little less prosaic than those names.
naathim wrote:
For Ward what about Sandhills and for Wichita maybe Lake Arrowhead or Pease River, or at the very least Ranch Country.
The_Bishop wrote:
This is an interesting map. Still far from good graphics though.

What is more interesting for me is the large size.
But also is nice to have some more maps of North America.

Geographical representation looks good. Airports seem to correspond more-or-less to the most important of Texas. Rivers I suppose they are realistic but I didn't check them really. Counties are obviously a bit cheated for game reasons, but that is completely acceptable as long as they are correctly named with the main town of the area and they are not too weirdly shaped.

Game-play looks good as well. I would just pointed out some bonuses that need correction in my opinion:
- North yellow region (Panhandle) = +2;
- Dallas grey region (Cowboy) = +3;
- South green region (The Valley) = +3;

I would raise they all 1 point.

Another matter is the amount of territories.
I counted 108 territories according to this: (click to show)
It is not a very welcome number for me. I mean a map of this size is good for 7, 8 or 9 players. This produce 15, 13 and 12 starting territories. In 2 cases over 3 we get an unfair multiple of 3 as number of starting territories. EDIT: And I didn't mention that it also occur with 6 players starting with 18 territories!
I think the ideal would be 104 territories or 117/119.

Small details:
- one circle has been missed in Wheeler (north yellow region = Panhandle);
- I think Val Verde (orange largest region = The Hill Country) can be represented even with no bridge, in case put the circle over the river to make more immediate to understand that territory is in both side of the river (just an idea).

«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
aeronautic wrote:
@The_Bishop, hopefully this info will bring you up to speed on this map's progress. Most of the things you have remarked on have already been mentioned in this thread, but that is a lot of reading.

Rivers were placed from the Relief Map in Post#11

This is not a graphic representation, it is a game-play and set up map, just like Italia was originally. naathim is simply trying to imply a theme, which is good because it gives ideas of what to do graphically.

There is a reason why there are no disallowed restrictions on multiple player games and it's that the number of players would not give advantage that can give a quick and easy win to one player, such as you would get in 2 & perhaps 3 player games. Therefore restrictions are only placed on small to medium maps that would give 12 / 15 starting troops to 2, 3 or 4 players.
Vexer also has on his list, the task of making automatic correction for 12, 15 & 18 spawns, where it will drop them all to 11, 14 & 17 and then the restrictions on territory numbers will then be removed completely giving map makers freedom to make any size maps.

The missing circle has been stated, but again this is only a game-play set up version.
The same applies to the circle placements.

We have a native Texan as the geographic accuracy adviser (jonboy1967).

The bonuses have been discussed in great detail, but I'm sure naathim will look at your proposals and see if they have already been discussed/considered and this will be helpful to him if he was in a split decision of the numbers.
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naathim wrote:
How DARE you BESMIRCH these graphics which I have SLAVED over!! LOL just kidding, they do look crappy! But like aero said, this is just a mock up for the gameplay, I can't do anything for the graphics. That'll be somebody else's job. You're lucky I found a cow skull with no background!! I think that was the hardest part of the whole thing :P

All territory borders follow county lines. Some of them ARE a bit oddly shaped! (Montgomery, Real, and Gregg I think are the wonkiest ones). For names, I picked tried to pick the names that 1) would fit easiest, and 2) had the most Texan feel to them. Each territory is named for a county in it (most territories are made up of 2-3 individual counties, I did not go through and pick names for most prominent towns/cities, although that can be done if it is felt necessary).

For bonuses, I know the formula is not as accurate when it comes to the larger regions, so I'd be alright with increasing those a bit.

I did mess up on the bonuses in the panhandle. I mentioned it in post #57. Orange region (N. Panhandle) is supposed to be +1, and yellow region (Panhandle) is supposed to be +3.

Since there are so many territories I'm a bit cautious about increasing the bonuses too much, because, depending on number of players, people are going to get a big bonus from number of territories controlled. And I'm afraid it would be too overinflated on the bonuses.

I could see making green south (The Valley) and north white (Cowboy) a +4 bonus.

The 3 border, 3 territory regions in the West (brown El Paso, yellow Coke, blue Ward) I could see possibly making +3's. They don't have much to build upon to easily expand territory, no good chokepoints. In the East (red Travis, orange Leon, blue Houston, green Sabine) these regions I think can stay at +2 because the regions are easier to build upon and reduce or keep even # of borders while increasing bonus. But would that make the map to uneven?

The 2 border, 3 territory regions (blue McAllen, red Goliad, orange Red River) I can see increasing to +2, that does sound more fair to me.

AAAAND having typed all that out I realize that you were counting territories, not suggesting region bonuses.... But still, it made me rethink how some of the bonuses might be improved.


Any thought's on changing some of those bonuses?
Virtuosity98 wrote:
I think the bonuses are perfect as they stand, except for the three that The_Bishop mentioned.
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The_Bishop wrote:
Whoops sorry guys for repeating something that has already been said. I didn't read all the thread honestly (however I scrolled most of pages! - LOL)

Thanks Aero for re-posting the Texas physical map. Since now I know rivers are forced to correspond to the county borders, would be better the contrary really, but maybe it can stay, depends on how much you want it to be accurate, still they are similar-to-real.

Thanks Naathim as well for your explanations. Yep the cow skull is wonderful. No idea how you found it with no background and also no idea where such long horn cows live! Oh well... probably in Texas!

So thanks also to Jonboy'67 for collaborating on the geographical accuracy and nomenclature. I thought they were town names really, but if they are county names, it's even better!

I would keep the small region bonuses as they are. 3b/3t regions should stay at +2. And 2b/3t regions which the formula gives a +2, in this case they sound better to me as +1, considering also Naathim's intention to not inflate too much the map by bonuses. But still I would raise the 4b/6t regions to +4, it's more fair in my opinion and they are only 2 regions since it is not something inflating the map so much.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
aeronautic wrote:
BTW Bishop, it's nice to see you had a shave at last !!!!
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jonboy1967 wrote:
Any updates? or is this going to take some time? you will keep me up to date in PM aero? Ty everyone involved.
aeronautic wrote:
Keep an eye on GB & Ireland, as soon as that is finished, I will start on this.
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aeronautic wrote:
@naathim, I have started making this map, it dawned on me when I started it that you have airports as connections and a Wild West theme.

Whilst I plod on with the graphics set up, I would appreciate it if you could either come up with different across-map-connections suitable to the Wild West or I will be forced to make the map 20th Century+ with a more modern theme, but this would not fit the new criteria.

Only 13 Eastern Colonies were involved in the American war of independence 1775-1783 and Texas was under Spanish control during that time, so there are only really the following 3 conflicts that we can use here.

Texas Revolution 1835-1836.
The famous Alamo.

The Mexican-American war 1846-1847.
It followed in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas.

The American civil war 1861-1865.
In 1861 Texas declared itself part of the Confederacy.
It was called the "Back Door" in the civil war, providing supplies and blockades.
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