Yes Cireon... but while we are discussing gameplay may be better if Aeronautic gets an idea of how to do a map. Thorpe is right about graphics. The background texture seems like a wall, standards are
paper or
ocean. That land has no texture, those are only light effects, so it looks completely smooth, it doesn't match with the 'wall' behind. It's like coca-cola mixed with wine! The bridge is nice but too big, mountains are great for me, but they also don't match so much with the land... Graphics is hard here at D12! Be ready to work Aero! I tried to make a map and then quit. By the way I don't know if this is just an experiment or what, but I feel and hope you have the graphics skill required, because you are also in charge to paint my Italian map!
But I guess it would be better to do not 2 at once.
Apart from that, gameplay first! I think you went too far with those mountains: the NE area of the map is now defensible protecting 2 territories only, and now that I look better... same for the West side! I don't think is bad to have macro-regions, but those are too extreme, it's a big part of the map locked inside 2 territories. Nothing is right or wrong for me as a gameplay but people should have the awareness of what they are doing. Do you really want a map so locked to play capitals? Big areas of the map cannot be locked inside 2 territories for me, 3 can be okay, 4 is optimal, also depends how large the area is.
My idea was to draw a long river along the red region, almost from sea to sea, and then put 2 or 3 bridges. This would cause your land to not be a compact block anymore but a land cut by a long river. But still the East would look like a block, so I suggested to add some small mountains. For example could be good for me some mountains between yellow and dark-red regions to avoid them to border each other. And also for example between blue and purple region in the NE to reduce their borders a bit. The other small cracks you drew, they were not very needed for me.
I wanted to draw it over your 1st version but unfortunately it is not there anymore.
Yes Cireon... but while we are discussing gameplay may be better if Aeronautic gets an idea of how to do a map. Thorpe is right about graphics. The background texture seems like a wall, standards are [url=]paper[/url] or [url=]ocean[/url]. That land has no texture, those are only light effects, so it looks completely smooth, it doesn't match with the 'wall' behind. It's like coca-cola mixed with wine! The bridge is nice but too big, mountains are great for me, but they also don't match so much with the land... Graphics is hard here at D12! Be ready to work Aero! I tried to make a map and then quit. By the way I don't know if this is just an experiment or what, but I feel and hope you have the graphics skill required, because you are also in charge to paint my Italian map! :) But I guess it would be better to do not 2 at once.
Apart from that, gameplay first! I think you went too far with those mountains: the NE area of the map is now defensible protecting 2 territories only, and now that I look better... same for the West side! I don't think is bad to have macro-regions, but those are too extreme, it's a big part of the map locked inside 2 territories. Nothing is right or wrong for me as a gameplay but people should have the awareness of what they are doing. Do you really want a map so locked to play capitals? Big areas of the map cannot be locked inside 2 territories for me, 3 can be okay, 4 is optimal, also depends how large the area is.
My idea was to draw a long river along the red region, almost from sea to sea, and then put 2 or 3 bridges. This would cause your land to not be a compact block anymore but a land cut by a long river. But still the East would look like a block, so I suggested to add some small mountains. For example could be good for me some mountains between yellow and dark-red regions to avoid them to border each other. And also for example between blue and purple region in the NE to reduce their borders a bit. The other small cracks you drew, they were not very needed for me.
I wanted to draw it over your 1st version but unfortunately it is not there anymore.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein