hi psymon,@, it seems i caused some horrifying images of disturbing color combos to appear in your minds eye, and i apologize .
i didn't really want to say more than that one post giving my expert Artistic opinion ,, but considering the effect of the comment , i will say this one last thing to clear up a grey area in our communication.
i blame my communicating skills, firstly, those who know me know i can have an irritating bluntness but my hearts in the right place.
1. whats in my mind is not what i caused you to envision, i think we saw different brightness to a turquoise tone. i mean, paradise beachy type of water is a mix of blues with something turquoise. And its the lighting and textures (which you use well in your maps BTW) that make it easy on the eye. And i trust the artists to make it look good, i was just trying to flip on the imagination light-switch.
So anchors bay, caribbean , new york color waters are swishing in my minds eye, and the notion of some turquoise in the mix, but toned down, ,,seemed still in D12 harmony even if no other map uses actual turquoise, no other map uses a post card background image either.
2. i think the reason maps dont have a postcard or photo (double exposed) image is because to some people its a disorienting or distracting to a minor degree, since shapes communicate dimension and optical illusions work.
so the minds eye flips back and forth between a birds eye view and a horizon view. it has to block out one to concentrate on the other.
But if you all like it and want to go with it i say great! why not!
I like double exposure Art anyways, so no big deal.
3. nice job toning down the islands , that pink one looks much better now especially. so at least we agreed on that.
i am standing by my kudos, also. Should be interesting play and its a good concept, congratulations on a good job.
Please , if i said anything disagreeable let it go, no need to comment to me because i am happy to sit back and wait for the map to enter into play . You could put dots and borders on a salvador dali painting and i would still give it a go.
oh, and i really like the lighting and texture of the east indies map water too , they would look good with any reasonable color.
if i made too long a comment, take solace in that i wont be writing more on the subject ,and dont hate me because i am beautiful.
hi psymon,@, it seems i caused some horrifying images of disturbing color combos to appear in your minds eye, and i apologize .
i didn't really want to say more than that one post giving my expert Artistic opinion ,, but considering the effect of the comment , i will say this one last thing to clear up a grey area in our communication.
i blame my communicating skills, firstly, those who know me know i can have an irritating bluntness but my hearts in the right place.
1. whats in my mind is not what i caused you to envision, i think we saw different brightness to a turquoise tone. i mean, paradise beachy type of water is a mix of blues with something turquoise. And its the lighting and textures (which you use well in your maps BTW) that make it easy on the eye. And i trust the artists to make it look good, i was just trying to flip on the imagination light-switch.
So anchors bay, caribbean , new york color waters are swishing in my minds eye, and the notion of some turquoise in the mix, but toned down, ,,seemed still in D12 harmony even if no other map uses actual turquoise, no other map uses a post card background image either.
2. i think the reason maps dont have a postcard or photo (double exposed) image is because to some people its a disorienting or distracting to a minor degree, since shapes communicate dimension and optical illusions work.
so the minds eye flips back and forth between a birds eye view and a horizon view. it has to block out one to concentrate on the other.
But if you all like it and want to go with it i say great! why not!
I like double exposure Art anyways, so no big deal.
3. nice job toning down the islands , that pink one looks much better now especially. so at least we agreed on that.
i am standing by my kudos, also. Should be interesting play and its a good concept, congratulations on a good job.
Please , if i said anything disagreeable let it go, no need to comment to me because i am happy to sit back and wait for the map to enter into play . You could put dots and borders on a salvador dali painting and i would still give it a go.
oh, and i really like the lighting and texture of the east indies map water too , they would look good with any reasonable color.
if i made too long a comment, take solace in that i wont be writing more on the subject ,and dont hate me because i am beautiful.
“Man plans, Dice & Cards laugh” ~ Axo