the rigth/duty to turn in is just with 5 or more cards, isn't true?
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The_Bishop wrote:
I would like to know if someone know how this rule works. Nobody have never played in that way on the board game?

I have also not found "chained" fortification anywhere. Every official rules refer to "adjacent".
But on the Net chained looks common.

Who helps me to know more is welcome. Btw here the topic is: turn in after a kill.
One should be free to turn in? Or he should hold 5 cards?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
jamesjulius wrote:
OldDogGen wrote:
was nt the rule in the original game, that in fixed cards infantry was worth 4, cavalry worth 6, artillary 8, and 1 of each worth 10 bonus troops?
OldDogGen is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Not exactly OldDog. The original game, called "the world conquering" in France and then "risk" in the United States, was increasing.

What you said arrived later in Europe. You can find a short history of the game written by me in the previous page of this thread.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, still nobody commented on the new rule...

Personally I'm very happy for the new (old!) rule adopted by D12!
It's much more consistent and helps a little the game to not stalemate.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
I actually haven't used it yet, I only killed with double turn ins.

Not that I've done that much killing actually.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
People go always for duble turn-ins as we were used before. But sometimes with 2 cards you can kill for 2 more and with 4 probably you will be able to turn in and maybe to close the game.

Sometimes you will not be able to turn in, then you are done bcoz you will stay with 5 cards! There's always the risk going for 4 cards, greater than 7... Matty your post remind me what I wanted to say!

The "trading cards box" appears only in case you can turn in: this is right, but we got a new problem (there wasn't with the older D12 rule). The player who defeats an other one should be able to see the conquered cards immediately, not at the end of his turn.

First, you feel like you haven't got the cards!! Second, you should be able to see them immediately bcoz your turn is not finished yet and (even if you can't turn in) you should be able to conquer the territories that you hold in your cards for getting the +2 bonus at the next round. And more, you should know if you have got a wild that can absolutely change your strategy.

Just display the cards immediately, not at the end.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
jamesjulius wrote:
Vexer already knows about the cards not appearing immediately. The fix is in the works. But don't worry, if you have a set you will see the cards! It is only when you don't have a set that you can not see them right away.

And yes, the game is much better this way, much more dynamic, more interesting. When you "gotta have 5" to cash in, the decision making is pretty cut and dry. Everyone knows that usually no one will eliminate anyone else unless they're going to get 5 cards.

Yes, now there is definitely more to think about.
Matty wrote:
I sometimes wonder what card I got when I'm fortifying.
But isn't it according the rules that you receive your card after your turn?

I agree on seeing your cards directly after the kill, but Vexer is more into this part of the code.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
I always played Risk (on board) receiving the card just after you conquer a country. I don't know what rules say, but I like that option.
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
jamesjulius wrote:
Remember, this thread is about the cards you take from an opponent when you eliminate them, not the card you get at the end of a turn for having taken a territory.

See post #62 to read the rules.

This thread is also for feedback on the application of the new (old) rule. So...

I cashed with "4 only" on a victorious march! Huzzah! Works like a charm! Just like the good old days! Thank you D12.
Vexer wrote:
I will have the code fixed by Sunday to show you the cards after a kill even if you don't have a set.
jamesjulius wrote:
More Feedback: Thanks to the application of the 1959 rule, standard escalating games have been liberated from the mundane.

The counting and calculating about always ending up with 5 cards has been replaced with the dash and flare of daring and RISK!

I am in a game at CC (no 1959 rule) right now where I can clearly see what my opponents are going to do, all the way through to my next turn. If CC was using the 1959 rule, the same position would be much more animated. Some player with a grim forecast for their future might be willing to take a chance on eliminating an opponent.
The_Bishop wrote:
Thanks Vexer for having taken the right decision, thanks jamesjulius for the historical point on this rule and thanks Glanru for having inputted the idea... Well, I also opened this thread!

Dominating12 is better than others in game options. 1959 rule is better than the modern rule, as fixed cards are better than flat rate. And more, we play "capitals" that is a very interesting gametype; I don't think you can find it elsewhere.

Jamesjulius... Jump on the right side!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Joca wrote:
Hi everyone. First i have to apologie that am re-opening an year old thread. I got reactivated less than a month ago. Have played numerous number of games and i've noticed some great new things on the site, but also something that really irritates me. Its about this "new" rule, that gives you a freedom to swap 3/4 cards, after you kill opponent. I agree it had improved the dynamic of this game, but in everything good there's something bad. You see, when you play large games(esspecially cap's(5+ players/ increased card bonus)) people will try to take a risk, kill someone for 2 or 3 cards and simply that doesnt work in the most of the cases. Eventually you will have 3/4 cards with no set and what then? We are talking about serious "luck factor" and that something that we try to reduce in this game.

I've read the whole topic and concluded that the main reason why you have changed the old rule, was major gap between 4 and 6 cards in your hand. Well to me, new rule is even greater problem, cause the "luck factor" have been increased. I cant understand why did you have to cancel the "old rule" completly?

My proposition how to solve this problem is to make an option whether you want to play by the new or old rule.

Thorpe has forseen this issue, over a year ago, qouting:"I see only one problem with die quicker! Boy it will be a risk to hold cards after the other players have two cards...will it cause players to attack sooner? You might be cut down to almost nothing for that one card and will give the game "away"...I see this as a major problem in "cap" games. Do you want to field those comments on a newbies giving the game away? "