The current 12 best players on the site
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Jimi wrote:
Mr Dominator *bows
Syg hehe don't bow... just play more with us

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

maafi wrote:
Heres the new D12 list, the first of the year.
The top dozen - the D12 - are the top ranking players on this risktastic site. So congratulations to them.
1. PatrickStarr
2. slackbatter
3. descarado
4. Henris_1
5. Jimi
6. ryter
7. Deepdaleduck
8. Sygmassacre
9. huskers01
10. Strategery
11. ngammoh
12. nikeboix69
These players will converge on a map and battle it out to claim the ultimate title of Dominator. Hoodlum has kindly reserved game 800000 for the action.
I’ll be sending out invitations shortly.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
Hoodlum wrote:
Congrats @Jimi - Back to Back dominator!

The new dominator has been given his toys. Hooray!

An insignia badge
The dominator rank
The dominator icon in the d12 list 
Double points
A month free premium
Hoodlum is online.
Jimi wrote:
Weehaa, Thank you, Hood and Maafi

“While you were so busy forcing me into a boner, you forgot you were committing one yourself.”

maafi wrote:
The new Dominating 12 list is now live. Go to to see where you are on the list.
 Here’s the top 12. Congrats to all those who make up the best of the site.
1 Lieutenant General PatrickStarr
2 Brigadier General Henris_1
3 Private AlbertEinstein
4 Brigadier General Spartakus
5 Brigadier General slackbatter
6 Lieutenant Colonel Texx
7 Unranked descarado
8 Lieutenant Colonel hooboy11
9 Lieutenant Colonel Deepdaleduck
10 Major guill111n
11 Major Sygmassacre
12 Major Strategery
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
maafi wrote:
The D12 game has started here: Game 822477
Feel free to drop in and cheer them on.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
maafi wrote:
And we have a brand new D12 Dominator. Take a bow Spartakus. Congratulations!
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
maafi wrote:
Here's the new D12 list.

Congratulations to all who made the top 12.

1 Lieutenant General PatrickStarr
2 Brigadier General Henris_1
3 Lieutenant Colonel Deepdaleduck
4 Unranked descarado
5 Lieutenant Colonel hooboy11
6 Major slackbatter
7 Major maafi
8 Major nikeboix69
9 Captain Sygmassacre
10 Captain KOE_KittyKat
11 Dominator Spartakus
12 Captain huskers01

I'll set up a game shortly.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
maafi wrote:
Another new dominator!
Congratulations to hooboy11
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk