The current 12 best players on the site
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PsymonStark wrote:
The_Bishop - Nov 3, 04:39 PM
I think increasing games also with 8 or 9 players are a bit weird. And more than the territorial startegy what is involved is a good regulation of the "turn-in time". I cannot imagine what is the effect in a game with 12 players! (Supposing that #12 arrives alive to his first turn!!)

Anyway I opened the new thread here: 12 Player Contest

I think I'm the last comment in the page, so I will lose a bit of visibility...
Then post it on the top of a new page!
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, thanks Psymon, you are so kind for highlightening my message.
The experimental 12 Player Contest is going on.

Let me just write some more thoughts here about what I proposed previously.

Even if I'm criticizing a bit the fairness of 9p games, I know among the top 12 there are several that are very specialized in winning this kind of games. So my idea was to still give them some chances of having the massive single game instead of the mini-tournament (only in case 3 or more refuse the invitation). Because I suppose they like it and they would be disappointed to lose it forever. Plus I admit the massive game for the Dominator title has its own appeal and I am also not totally sure that I want abolish it forever. But I am totally sure that all the players in the top 12 must have the right to be invited to the final.

Anyway having a game with 12 players is really too much! Even if you realize a special system with cards increasing not too fast in the beginning, still the disadvantage of playing last is really great.

As for inviting people out of the top 12 to the final game, as I said there was some complaints on that subject. The idea is that those players get a special status for being in the top 12 that is shown by the black label. So only who has that black label has the right to compete for the Dominator title. At least someone thinks at it in this way. And I am not sure it is totally wrong. So I tried to find a solution where the need of inviting someone out of the top12 is minimal (only in case exactly 1 person refuse, but not in case 2 or more refuse).
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
The_Bishop - Nov 3, 03:38 PM
So my idea is to invite all top12 players to the Dominator Game(s):
- If 3 or more refuse we run a single game as it has always been the most of times;
- If 2 refuse we run the Mini-Tournament with 5p games instead of 6p;
- If 1 refuse we invite player #13 and we run the Mini-Tournament regularly;
- If no one refuse, we also run the Mini-Tournament regularly!
Since there is only one case in which we are forced to invite one person that is not in the top12.

PsymonStark - Nov 3, 03:59 PM
I believe that we should host the same type of tournament/game each time. Otherwise quite a lot of time is wasted in thinking how to do it this time, and repeating the same thing again and again.

Given the site name, my vote is for a 12p tournament. No matter the real ranking, if anyone refuses to take part, invite the next players on the list. But this should be done quickly in any case. There should be no problem in having reserve spots.

This is to discuss the general ideas. Especially who and how many should be invited to the Dominator contest.

If you want to discuss the details of how the 12 player mini-tournament works, then fill free to comment Here

If you want to watch the Dominator Game in progress click here:
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
For as far as I know most dominators don't like it if players without a black badge can join. If a #13 should join because otherwise games are unfair, so be it, but don't make it much more.

Technically we should then give that player the badge from the not-joining player, but I wouldn't do that. So probably 13 black badges (yeah, I'm not going for the dominator without a black badge :P).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
PsymonStark wrote:
I would like to hear the reasoning of players for not wanting others to reach the top12.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Vexer wrote:
I had an idea to fix the problem of the final game in the mini tourney only being 4p and possibly stalemating. Make it a 5p game and include the previous dominator if they didn't make the top 12 or win either of their 6p games or if they did then include the highest player in the top 12 who didn't win a game.

We could also make the games 12 hour turn games and give out double the add time uses to make the games go faster.
The_Bishop wrote:
Thanks Vexer. This is something that might works but I don't know if everybody believes it is fair.

We are currently running some mini-tourney tests. One of the purposes is also to know how often the stalemate occurs in a 4p final. Perhaps with the right settings is less than what we think.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
Yeah not really sure if including a dominator that didn't win any games or might not even be on the top 12 anymore is fair.

I think now the 4p domination (and 6p caps + 6p dm) is the best option, but we'll try.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Sygmassacre wrote:
I like the idea of the previous dominator getting to defend their title if they don't make it. In the time between me winning it and the next list I actually went up 2 ranks but because of a boom in ranks I still fell short of the dominator game. That was kinda hard to take
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
The_Bishop wrote:
In World Chess Championship there is a Candidates Tournament, who won that is elected to challenge the reigning World Champion. I think it is how is supposed to work a title. But the problem is, here it is not chess nor boxing and 1v1 matches wouldn't work properly, too much luck involved. Therefore we should have a group of 4 elected to challenge the reigning Dominator, since he would have nothing to do than watch the tourney and wait to see who will be his 4 opponents... May be!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Sygmassacre wrote:
Villain191 - Nov 9, 06:36 PM
where is the emoticon for a tissue?
And have one for yourself, in fact 2, for first losing to Japan and then the semi-final against the might All Blacks
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Villain191 wrote:
Sygmassacre - Nov 10, 12:22 AM
And have one for yourself, in fact 2, for first losing to Japan and then the semi-final against the might All Blacks
Yeah, congrats, I'm not a huge rugby guy so doesn't bother me that much but best team won for sure.