The current 12 best players on the site
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The_Bishop wrote:
Edit: I defeated davidechko in a same-time game, didn't notice any special skill, he just left his cap unprotected, then he deployed fast to block my attack, but I passed him on the side... a sort of "dribbling" in football terms.

Edit 2: Dang, new page! My main message is in the previous!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
UltrasPlot wrote:
Make same-time a premium feature which costs 120 tokens to start and 80 tokens to join.

I believe the issue is solved.
Sygmassacre wrote:
Don't take away options for gameplay from the site. Making sametime premium only would do this and that's probably not a good business decision. Eventually there will be an over representation of mainly s/t players in the Dominator match but until then i see nothing wrong with letting them in so we can laugh at just how lesser skilled they are in consecutive turn games :D :D :D
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Matty wrote:
But the whole idea of a D12 game is that you have a game with skilled players. A game that you can look forward to. A game that takes practice and more practice to become part of the best and play with the best.

As such, the Bishop is completely right, same-timers can be newbies when it comes to consecutive turns.

To me the best idea seems a seperate ranking mechanism, however it's quite hard to implement.

Untill then it seems 50% consecutive games is a minimum to join a D12 game or something like that.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
BETA wrote:
50% LOL

same time games go so fast, thats nearly impossible for any player who played a significant amount of same time games to catch up to.
how about 50% OR a certain total number of cons turns games. like 500.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Sygma they're already overrepresented af. Look at this month's list!

Matty, while 50% seems like a stretch, I'd be game for 20% - 30%.
Matty wrote:
But the whole point is that you should not get the bulk of your points in same time games if you want to join a consecutive game with the best of the world.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
zocpoc wrote:
I have alredy suggested..,

1. Same time playing should has seperate ranking points ( and points should be visible)
2. Risk is strategy turn based game, and consecutive turns are in the spirit of the game, so this two should be mixed.

You can find out that more of high ranked players are SAME time players. Also this needs some risk knowledge but far of way that is crucial in sense that is more important internet speed, refreshing rate of monitor and other technical things, eventual glitch and possible bugs. Sometimes you win the game without need of physiology, strategy or maneuvers.
4960epic wrote:
Wait, if we alienate same time players what good does that do us?
Maybe we should just have a separate d12, one for same time and one for consec
4960epic wrote:
Yes, but not separate point systems, i think that that pushes them further from the game
BETA wrote:
Actually, I think that having a totally separate point system for same time would be doubly enhancing and inclusive.

For the players who accrued most of their games and points through same time games, with a separate points system, would have little to lose and much to gain (new game types. new skills - bragging rights, play against a larger group of skilled players,..) to try cons turn games. And would now be willing to invest in getting good at cons turns, as it wouldnt cost as many points.

The same argument stands for cons turn players to try to learn and get good at same time. Much of the disdain is bec players can very quickly lose many points in same time; points which were slowly, painstakingly earned in cons. turn games.

The cost to try out these drastically different game settings would be lowered, and players fluent in either type would be more willing to try out the other one.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
I agree fully with BETA ^. :)
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UltrasPlot wrote:
eh agree totally with BETA bc all this means is that the two of us will end up on both D12s~ lol