The current 12 best players on the site
  • 1368 posts
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Vexer wrote:
Congratulations to the new dominating 12.

1 lifeinpixels
2 carnivora
3 nikeboix69
4 davidechko123
5 Spartakus
6 delijaFCRS
7 Antonis_xania
8 Matty
9 zocpoc
10 Stratosphere
11 maafi
12 slackbatter

They will compete for the title of Dominator in this game:

Here is the full list of players who have been active in the last 15 days and have played more than 30 games. If your name is in the bottom 5 please please please give up on risk already.
Hoodlum wrote: does this work. with 12 players. 3 players miss out? (9 player maximum in game) multiple games? or is it made into a 12 player game for this occasion?
Vexer wrote:
Most of the time we offer it to the top 9 first. A few can't play and then we offer it to the next 3. Since I already knew some of the players couldn't play I just opened the game up to the whole top 12 and it is first come first served. And I just hope none of the top 9 miss out.

The game will start a lot faster this way compared with how long it took last time.
BETA wrote:
hmm 'active in the last fifteen days.' so now Vexer remains without this official ranking.
BETA wrote:
and slackbatter jumped over a THOUSAND points!!
Spoiler (click to show)
Matty wrote:
If someone wants to substitute for me that's fine. I don't really have time everyday to check d12, and have played like 2 games last month or so.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
killrick wrote:
let me be the first to offer my services as a substitute killer for matty
i know theres a list but if ya need me ill be here for you
also does anyone know how many dominators we have yet?
looking forward to the first official dominators of d12 match {we need 12 dominators playing in that game}
UltrasPlot wrote:
If killrick offers his services then I'll go ahead and offer mine, I'm a full 12 places ahead of you :P :)
Vexer wrote:
If killrick had played as many games as you he would be a general.

I have started the game with just 7 of the 12 joining. Not everyone plays long term games.