The current 12 best players on the site
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Matty wrote:
Did you even try conpairing the skill needed to win a 9 player game with the amount of skill needed to win a 2 player game?
(assuming the players in there aren't noobies - in a suicide fest it's all about luck even in a 9p game).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
UltrasPlot wrote:
Firstly there is a massive difference between a click war and a mind war.

Fast computer =/= good problem solving and logical thinking skills.

It is a known fact that most 'sametimers' struggle greatly with more traditional formats - see Spartakus's win ratio in Muzitals and compare it to Muzthebus's, a very good player who is not in the Twelve solely because he does not use farming techniques.

This past Dominator game signals that we should wake up.

Exclusive "same-timers" are not among the best on the site.

Even if 20 isn't too feasible, 10 consecutive games with 4 or more players is easy, it only requires you to start a few long terms.

I would even go so far as to suggest that only two spots be allotted for players who play 75% or more sametime, to make the difficulty even.

Muzitals =/= Davidechkoitals, and will never be.
4960epic wrote:
Wait wait wait, same time is a game mode just like consec, both have different skill sets, why should one be treated better than the other
UltrasPlot wrote:
Wait wait wait, would you rather have your hand amputated or your head?

Case in point.
BETA wrote:
lol. multiplayer same time games take skill. even 2 player.
even the fast players admit that echko has skill. (The players who bicker are the non-pro-sametimers.)

But it IS a different skill-set. Different mental skills, also speed and knowledge of the gameplay and glitches. Hence the suggestion for two different dominator games.

Matty, yes! 9 player games are much harder to win and require more skill. The two player games would determine WHICH of the larger game winners is the dominator...
But since one game is likely to have close to 9 players, and the other close to three players, I HEAR YOUR POINT! that the two games do not provide an equal challenge, to then have the two winners on the same level to square off.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Speed. And glitches. Wow, much knowledge required.

2 player. Determine dominator. I take great issue to that, 2p is luck-of-the-dice
BETA wrote:
lol u really dont know same time strats. all the non-same timers think its all speed...
UltrasPlot wrote:
It's not all speed but it is still a ton of speed. I know the strats yet I can't win bc my comp is a piece of trash.
Matty wrote:
No the main point is that instead of doing a two player game, you can just as well do a toin coss to decide who's the winner - if two good players play a 1v1 game than it's just luck.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
BETA wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)
The_Bishop wrote:
Yeah, I agree with Matty, 1v1 final game is weird and too much luck based. Also we already discussed the subject in the past and tested other options, but it looks like the best is always the single game.

I was proposing just to change the system in order to reduce the influence of same-time games on your rank. It's for me a setting that can be funny to play once on a while but you cannot base your own rank on playing only that. Come on!

Notice the home page please:
... This is a turn based strategy game ...

Since my proposal is to set 200 tokens required to play a same-time game. I am sure they have thousands and thousands of tokens to spend, since in the immediate nothing would change, but once all the tokens will be spent then you'll can play just 1 same-time over 10 games, supposing that you don't buy ranks nor maps (or you only use a minimal % for that).

This way the influence of same-time games on your rank will be reduced, little by little to 10%. Or if you think 200 tokens are too much, you can just set it to 100 tokens and halve the points lost/gained in same-time games. Or even both options applied together (200 tokens plus halved points) so reducing the influence to 5%.

Just ideas...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein