The current 12 best players on the site
  • 1368 posts
  • Page 27 of 92
tontot wrote:
Well done Stratos. I know the feeling working towards the D12 list :)

Time to set the Donimator the goal.
Stratosphere wrote:
I can set it up as a newbie to Top12 if no one else would,
But how can I know who is going to play?
Via PM?
Vexer wrote:
Go for it stratoshere. yes, get a list of who wants to play via PM. Then determine the setup based on the number of players.
tontot wrote:
I will play any format, any map

So you have less than one person to ask, Stratos
oliver wrote:
Congratulations descarado !!! My team games mate !!! I'm so proud !!! ;)
Abandono el juego por el trato recibido.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Congrats Nike! But we all know strat wins the prize for biggest and best fan club!!! :D