The current 12 best players on the site
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Vexer wrote:
Well that was disappointing.

Here's the new list for April:

And the new top 12:

1 davidechko123
2 Spartakus
3 lifeinpixels
4 thaithai
5 Matty
6 Antonis_xania
7 dimceto
8 nikeboix69
9 Dferguson
10 suldam
11 Joca
12 copperbird

I don't have time to organize a game or mini tournament. It's up to one of you to volunteer.
lifeinpixels wrote:
I propose we try a 9 player increasing advanced deathmatch on world classic. I can organize if there is interest. In the meantime maybe we can talk about ideas for a better way to determine a monthly dominator.
emjaydee wrote:
I've cracked the top 100. Next aim is top 50. Will be tough, there's some (very) good players above me. And Spartakus.
Vexer wrote:
I thought that the mini tournament of two simultaneous 6 player games with the winners playing a 4 player game worked great. But since I'm not organizing it then do as you wish.
lifeinpixels wrote:
I liked it Vexer, and I guess this depends on what others want, but the reasons I suggested a 9p classic match was 1) it would be nice to have a single game which very likely would end before the next month, and 2) one game of 9 on a small-ish map has the smallest chance of stalemating I think.
tontot wrote:
To make it fun and not a same game all the time, here is my suggestion.

Within 48 hours after the list is posted, each player in the list can post here (this thread) with this format.

1. Game type(Death Match, Capital or Domination)
2. Map

Other options are already defined (24 hours, 9 players, chained, increasing, advance cards, No Fog)

After 48 hours, someone (Vexer or one volunteer) just select the most choices (separately 1 and 2) and set up the game. If one choice has the same vote, the one is mentioned fist gets selected.
(whoever does not vote within 48 hours loses his vote)

For example
Player A: Death Match / World Classic
Player B: Capital / Brazil
Player C: Domination / Brazil

The game will be
1. Death Match (since the 3 options have same vote, Death Match is mentioned first)
2. Brazil (the choice with most votes)

The idea is to make the D12 game unique for each month (hopefully) (not a death match World Expanded all the time) and give player some choice for their favorite game type.

lifeinpixels wrote:
After a query, 7 of the top 12 wanted to join the dominating 12 tournament for this month so I made the game here:

The players will be: Dferguson, dimceto, Joca, Spartakus, nikeboix69, thaithai, and myself.

Wish us luck! Come root for your favorite player!
Joca wrote:
I am the greatest dominator who has ever lived. Bow down to my superiority.

12 Apr, 20:26 Dracarys: If Joca w'ins he gets his chat back.
tramadol wrote:
Congratulations Dominator Joca, it's been a long time coming. Nice to hear your voice again too, let's hope it stays composed this time!! If HISTORY has taught you anything, it should be to not make the same mistake 4 times. Hee Hee!!