The current 12 best players on the site
  • 1368 posts
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Vexer wrote:
Here's the new list:

and the new top 12:

1 davidechko123
2 Spartakus
3 lifeinpixels
4 delijaFCRS
5 zocpoc
6 tontot
7 Matty
8 Antonis_xania
9 dimceto
10 menick55
11 suldam
12 nikeboix69

Which of the top 12 would like to volunteer to set up the dominator game?

And for those of you at the very bottom of the list, you're an embarrassment to the game. Go play candy crush instead.
Cireon wrote:
Aw... I dropped down even more.

I love how my title got in that list though :3
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
cbt711 wrote:
Congrats guys. Poor Strat would have made it if he just stayed around 4000 :(
Stratosphere wrote:
I should have stopped playing when I was 4100 :(
and I would be the 12th person of the list : ))))
congrats guys :) ;)

Troll First Class? LOL
lifeinpixels wrote:
I volunteer to set up the dominators game if no one else wants to do it.

Partly inspired by Matty, I vote for a 9 player, low capped domination game on a large map. World expanded if no one else gives input.

If someone wants something else, let me know. I don't care too much.