The current 12 best players on the site
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lifeinpixels wrote:
I don't think that the best player in a group will always win (and I don't consider myself the best of the top 12). That is why I'd prefer to keep it to the top 12 - a large portion of the effort required to be the site dominator is making it in that list in the first place. If we picked anyone above warrant officer to sub into the games, I bet they would win quite a few times, even if they aren't as good as the top 12.
Vexer wrote:
Congratulations to Villain191, our new Dominator.

Dracarys, the Dominating 12 are not selected on any particular day of the month. Just whenever I get around to it.
Clarke wrote:
I dont understand how the top 12 are figured each month but I have a suggestion.

How about you just run some sort of list that takes everyone's points as of 11:59pm on the last day of each month and then subtract their points from 12:00am on the first day of that same month.

That will tell you who in a given month earned the most points. This way a newbie has equal chance to make the list as a seasoned vet.

I would find that interesting, to see how I stack up against the current players.

Maybe just call it the January top point players or whatever.

lifeinpixels wrote:
That might not work Clarke because some higher-ranked players have a much harder time earning points. Also, with the amount of variance in peoples' points, a lot of it would come down to timing and luck.

Also, congratulations Villain!
Matty wrote:
Also, an extremely good (non premium) player who plays 5 long term fixed card games at that time might not even have finished one of his games, and will be rated 0.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
Congrats Villain!

Also if a high player starts a new account he can gains a lot of points in one month just winning beginners. Shouldn't be encouraged.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Clarke wrote:
So maybe I ought to know this by now but what is the rank of "Dominator" that Villan just earned? What is this all about? I've been on here 3 months and have not seen that rank before. Vexer as General was always in that top spot every time I checked.

So just curious what all this hub bub is about.
Vexer wrote:
@Clarke, the top 12 players (by rank points) play a game or games every couple months to compete for the title of Dominator. Dominator is the highest rank, above General. We did not have one last time because the game ended in a stalemate. Also, they only keep the title for 2-3 weeks. So a lot of times we don't have one.

I am going to redefine the Dominating 12 a little. The Dominating 12 are the top 12 players who are available to compete for the title of Dominator, not just the 12 players with the most points. So as far as I am concerned, Villain191 was in the Dominating 12. When I posted the list of who would be in the games I was also posting an updated dominating 12 list.

That being said, since several of you requested it, next time I will find out who wants to compete first and if it is 9 or less then we will just have one big game, probably with capped cards (25 or 30) so it doesn't go too fast. But if 10 or more want to play I think we should do the same mini tournament with 4 games at the same time (6p games) and one 4p game with the winners of the first 4 games.

I liked this mini tournament. It really felt like Villain191 earned it.
Clarke wrote:
So the only way to get in on this is to be in the top 12? Okay, understood... I'll keep plugging away...