The current 12 best players on the site
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The_Bishop wrote:
I have a new idea based on 12 games all at once. Who wins most is the Dominator. I'm also going to suggest how to break the ties. I'm suggesting games with 5 players and every player would play 5 games.
For example in this way:

Spoiler (click to show)

8, 9 or 10 starting territories are fair in my opinion, having 5 players it means to chose maps with 40, 45 or 50 territories. There are 14 maps that match this: Basket, Caribbean Double, East Asia, Eld World, Europe, Falkland, House, Korea-Japan, South Africa, Tor, United States, USA, World Classic, World Modified. Maybe World Classic (and its Modified version) can be excluded giving an advantage of the knowledge of the specific maps of the site. So we can set 12 games in 12 different maps, randomly chosen.

12 players, 12 games, 12 maps. Do you like the idea?
All at once since it's like 1 round tournament: I mean they would take long like playing 1 game only.

Being 5 games with 5 players the average result is to win 1.
For example a common outcome can be like this (just an example):

Spoiler (click to show)

In a context like this who wins 3 (or more) games will be probably the winner. And a player winning 3 games out of 5 can occur much more often than a player winning 2 games out of 2. But still there are several possibilities of a tie.
I'm studying how to break the ties without playing a final game, which it would be weird in case of 2 players and stalemating in case of 3 players (but even 4...). And in any case it would take long.

Spoiler (click to show)

In few words. Who win most games is the winner. In case of a tie it would be awarded the fastest winner (the least rounds to win) or the longest loser (the most rounds to die).

Can be good?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
I don't like the way to break ties - if you win shortly because someone else jumps too early, than you do not deserve to win, just because the other one had to fight hard and be really smart about his (longer) win.

Also, you cannot always prevent to die first/early.

Apart from that, for the non premium dominator participants, they cannot join any game when they participate in this tournament, as they are limited to 5 games (we can cheat by letting them in if they are not empty on games).
This will, amoungst others, make sure the non premium dominators cannot play live games for a while...
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
@Matty, this is your comment on Vexer's proposal.
Matty wrote
I am ok with it - it's the best plan I have heard so far, first player to get 2 wins takes all.
I have just proposed an alternate version with 5 games per player rather than only 2.
But the idea of the fastest winner was already in place.

About the 5 games limitation, I thought there was the way not to put them in count when they are Dominator title games, so I didn't consider that problem. But I'm thinking they still can refuse to participate if they prefers to play live games more than play for the Dominator title...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:

If player A wins two games, and player B and C each win one, than there is no need for the third game, cause A is dominator - I think this is fair.

However, there actually is a problem, what if player A and B both win both their dominator games :S
(Cause I don't think it's fair to judge on how fast you win your two games).

Not very likely to happen though.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes, you are right Matty, "not very likely to happen", but still we need a solution to solve that situation. Really the first case also is not very likely (I mean: A wins 2 games, B and C 1 game each), how often happens to win 2 games out of 2, with 6 talented players in? ...rare! Since with Vexer's proposal, the great most of the cases would be solved with the 4 players final game. But the Dominator is supposed to be a monthly title, since I'm trying to find a faster solution as a 1 round tournament.

Matty you didn't say you don't like my proposal, you just said you don't like the way to break the ties... Another idea was to give the title, in case of tie, to the player with more points, I guess it's fair but it doesn't match with the idea of equal chances for everybody among the 12. Since what I have suggested it's the best I could find satisfying both purposes (fast match and equal chances) but if someone can find something better or suggest how to improve it, I'm ok.

I just liked the idea of 12 games at once...
Waiting for more feedback now, especially from Vexer, and from the 12 of course! :)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Vexer wrote:
Setting up 12 games is too much work. If, in the future, we create an admin page for setting up these kinds of games then this becomes more feasible but still I think it's too many games. But I would be willing to do it once a year.

I don't like the idea of the possibility of ties. I didn't think about it too long but it seems like they are more likely in your system.

The way we are doing this months tournament there is a possibility of a tie if 2 players win their first two games but the chance is very small. If that happens then I think they both deserve the title of Dominator.
The_Bishop wrote:
Ok, got it. It was just an idea.
Now is better to set it up, people can't wait anymore... ;)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Vexer wrote:
January 2014 Dominator Mini Tournament:

1 lifeinpixels
2 Spartakus
3 Matty
4 thaithai
5 nikeboix69
6 Dferguson
7 suldam
8 Fendi
9 oliver
10 Villain191
11 MuzuaneAskari
12 bluebird005vis

Here are the games:

Mediterranean States
Players 1-6
Players 7-12

Players 1,3,5,7,9,11
Players 2,4,6,8,10,12
snotpork wrote:
maby i have something for the tournament
my english is to bad to explane
but maby some body nows what i meen

5 players 5 games the one that win 2 or more games has the advantage beginning next game

The_Bishop wrote:
This is a challenge between 12 players and there is no way to decide the turn order. Plus the title must be assigned in few games.

Il s'agit d'un défi entre les 12 joueurs et il n'existe aucun moyen de déterminer l'ordre du tour. De plus le titre doit être attribué dans quelques jeux.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
lifeinpixels wrote:
In my opinion, we should take a count of which players in the top 12 will be competing before we set up the games. If there are 9 or fewer (like it seems there were this time), we can skip the tournament altogether and just go with a single game.
oliver wrote:
yeah, i dont like that players not in the top12 are playing for the title. Getting lot of points for being a D12 is not only good luck, but 2 games maybe yes it is
Abandono el juego por el trato recibido.
Vexer wrote:
Yeah, i didn't expect so many to not want to play. In the past it's usually only been 1 who didn't want to play.
suldam wrote:
i concur with oliver and LIP.

ironically, two preliminary games (out of 4) have been won by non-D12 placers. which means, now odds are 50:50 D might be held by a untraditional player.