Official Thread
  • 223 posts
  • Page 6 of 15
cbt711 wrote:
iTrend and JB or Spams team needs to be names "Rank is a Curse"
Clarke wrote:
16. Mr.Sam & Joel

Tournament now filled pending LifeInPixels review and confirmation of the 16 teams.

If you still want to get on the waiting list, continue to put your team name and the two teammates names here. I remember last time Life did need to go to the waiting list.
SpamFree wrote:
Is there still an opening?
If so, I will team with DillsKills as "DillsFree" or "SpamKills" you can choose ;)

Rats! too late. Let me know if you need more players. If so, we'll play.

Axobongo wrote:
aww shucks,, 'SpamTram would have been a fine name had the pieces fallen together that way
Axobongo wrote:
but if Spamdilly is in,, thats IT, the full line-up!!,, Question: did anyone concur with my post on page 1 about the maps?
Axobongo wrote:
How about we put an 'M' on the end of my teams name LIP? (Naath?) make it ''Axonaathm'' (note, Not -thim,, but -athm)|( still AoN if we get an avatar)
Clarke wrote:
How are we going to deal with the avoid list as far as this tourney is concerned? I suppose it would be easy to make sure there are no conflicts in round one, but once you win, it may force teams to play each other in which someone is on someone else's avoid list.

Clarkette & I have nobody on our avoid lists. So no issues for us. But if you have someone on your avoid list you would prefer not to play in the first round, you need to declare it here so we don't have 1st round matchups that would conflict.
PsymonStark wrote:
I think that avoid lists shouldn't be taken into account when playing tournaments.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Crystal wrote:
I agree, If you are in a tourney, it should be left up to chance as to whom you play.

bluebird005vis wrote:
As someone who has a player on his avoid list I asked Vexer to make an exception for this 1 tournament.
As we are all playing as teams I'm sure most if not all players will be on their best behavior and if not......well there's plenty of admins and moderators who will be looking at the games played in this tournament so you'd have to be pretty stupid to try anything "funny".
As for the "if you'd rather avoid the player/s on your avoid list in the 1st round, please let it be known" sollution, I think it's rather pointless to try and "manipulate" the draw, if you happen to get drawn against the player on your avoid list, so be it ;)
tontot wrote:
The draw should be either randomly picked or based on points combination of the two players in the team (published by Vexter for June 2014).

It should not be picked by anyone to avoid 2 players on avoid list of each other.
lifeinpixels wrote:
The draw will be randomly picked. If anyone with an avoid list does not want to play because they do not want to be paired with a certain player, please let me know now so that I can add a team from the waiting list.

Stay tuned folks, the games will begin soon!