Fendi's memorial
  • 94 posts
  • Page 7 of 7
anuorre wrote:
Thanks @the_bishop for organizing. It was really fun :D

Definitely some interesting plays in the Assassination and Domination. I think it threw many people off the usual DM/ Capitals game type.

When is the next one? ;)
Rockbert wrote:
Great tournament as always Bishop! Thank you! Looking forward to the next one. :)
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
tcjohans wrote:
Thank you, all, this was fun and I'm looking forward to other, similar tournaments in the future. It was fun trying new formats such as Domination and Assassination, which I haven't played much in the past, and I would love to see more of these formats on the site. Thank you very much, Bishop, for organizing everything, did a great job.