Fendi's memorial
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The_Bishop wrote:
Team €:
@Tennesseelogman substitutes @Temul
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Current standings:

Team 1 ... 5
Team 8 ... 4
Peri's bonnet ... 4
Team 4 ... 3
Team 7 ... 3
Team 2 ... 2
Team 3 ... 2
Team 5 ... 2
Team 6 ... 2
Team 9 ... 2
Team $ ... 2
Team € ... 2
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
I have heard more than one person complaining about World Reduced being too small for playing 2v2 and I think it's true. So perhaps I could make some changes in the last round of the tourney, the Assassination round. The idea would be to substitute W. Reduced with Falklands (2v2) and Falklands with a larger map with 60+ tert's (3 pairs). Word Expanded 4 pairs will stay.
Do people agree to this change?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
anuorre wrote:
I would say keep actually. Since 3 of the 4 game types have been World Reduced. It doesn't make sense to change the map for 2teams and 3teams in the last game.

Preference for consistency across the board.

I am not opposed to a similar format tourney with no Reduced.
The_Bishop wrote:
Yep @anuorre, but when I started this I didn't know yet that 2v2 Assassination is identical to 2v2 Deathmatch. So basically (and actually) you all have already played 2v2 Assassination on W. Reduced. This gives for me some more sense to the change, not just the reason mentioned above (map too small), but also for not repeating the same exact settings on the same map.

However if people don't want to change as a principle, or for whatever reason, then I will not change it. It's fine for me. Maybe it is not even the majority that thinks W. Reduced is too small.. I don't know.

I guess I could (and I will) repeat this format with the smallest map being a bit larger in the next edition(s).
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
anuorre wrote:
My vote is to retain. We have done 3 game types already, let's complete the series with the 4th game type on the same map.

Assassination, Deathmatch and, to a certain extent, Domination are the same thing in a 1 v 1 team match regardless of map size (maybe Domination is played slightly differently in a big map).

The_Bishop wrote:
Ehm, okay. Just one saying "no" is enough for me. No changes then!

To share my plans with the wonderful community: in the next Map Conquest's I would like to include, as 4-player maps, Dominican Republic (32 tert's, 8 per player) and Brazil (39 tert's, 9 per player). I guess they are large enough for 4p. Aren't so?

I noticed someone likes to play 2v2 on hyper massive maps, but I do not think to include that type in my tourneys. 8 to 11 territories per player is 'normally standard' I guess. 6 tert's is too little indeed. 15+ is too much, I don't like it (unless it's on Zealandia202020 then is fine).
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Current standings:

Team 1 ... 5
Team 8 ... 4
Peri's bonnet ... 4
Team 4 ... 3
Team 7 ... 3
Team 2 ... 2
Team 3 ... 2
Team 5 ... 2
Team 6 ... 2
Team 9 ... 2
Team $ ... 2
Team € ... 2

That was the ranking at the end of round #2 and it was ALL WRONG. Sorry, I can't edit it anymore.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
For what is worth...

Past standings at the end of round #2 (fixed):

Team 1 (a.t.) ... 5
Peri's bonnet ... 4
Team 8 (R.R.) ... 4
Team 4 (M.A.) ... 3
Team 7 (I.R.) ... 3
Team 5 (c.G.) ... 2
Team 2 (+b.j.) ... 1
Team 6 (D.g.) ... 1
Team 9 (t.b.) ... 1
Team $ (Y.d.) ... 1
Team € (T.K.) ... 1
Team 3 (B.u.) ... 0
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Apparently we have got another team broken:
Dark_star has being inactive for days...

Anyone wants to play in team with @YouratRISK ??
Just for the 3 last games.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
count me in on team with @YouratRISK
Okay I read it just now
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein