Fendi's memorial
  • 94 posts
  • Page 4 of 7
The_Bishop wrote:
@The_Bishop, in the future, I don't think small maps like World Reduced is good for 2v2. It's so much luck based, and after one really lucky roll from one team or unlucky from the other team, it makes it extremely tough to come back. One lucky / unlucky roll can decide the whole game. Next time, keep 2v2 on Medium Maps at the least.

Oh well, okay thanks for your suggestion @DreamStreet
Too small no good, at least medium, I,ll keep it in mind
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
anuorre wrote:
you don't allocate more points for a bigger map (with more teams) and less points for smaller maps?
The_Bishop wrote:
I think 2v2 is the true essence of pair games, the most fair and the most technical. With 3 or 4 pairs its likely more fun but one team can win thanks to another team's mistake. Therefore all games are worth 1 point in this tournament.

This is also for my and your ease to see who's ahead in the ranking, no need to count and calculate.
Unfortunately there's no way to assign tournament points automatically, it has to be done manually.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
In case of draw games I don't know...
Let's say they are worth 0.1 points.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
System says:
DreamStreet is prohibited from joining games with more than two players.
This is a problem.,.

Team 2 is broken, @jfults should find a new teammate.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Current standings:

Peri's bonnet ... 2
Team 1 ... 2
Team 8 ... 2
Team 4 ... 1
Team 5 ... 1
Team 6 ... 1
Team 7 ... 1
Team 9 ... 1
Team $ ... 1
Team € ... 1
Team 2 ... 0
Team 3 ... 0
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
anuorre wrote:
Why is that so?

System says:
DreamStreet is prohibited from joining games with more than two players.
This is a problem.,.

Team 2 is broken, @jfults should find a new teammate.
The_Bishop wrote:
Why is that so?

System says:
DreamStreet is prohibited from joining games with more than two players.
This is a problem.,.

Team 2 is broken, @jfults should find a new teammate.

I don't know exactly. He has failed on respecting the site rules I guess.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
anuorre wrote:
Thanks @the_Bishop!

Are you also starting the 2v2 soon?

Good luck everyone, may the force be with you :)
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes, started. Good luck with Capitals!

I can speed up the tourney a lil bit, still respecting the "no more than 3 games at once" commitment.

I hope you guys appreciate the colour choices:
  • Lemon colours: green & yellow;
  • Dark b&b colours: blue & black;
  • Orange colours: red & orange;
  • Baby colours: pink & cyan.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein