60 players, 114 games with increasing cards.
  • 110 posts
  • Page 4 of 8
The_Bishop wrote:
Tournament is full and it's going to start soon
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
I was creating the games and then fell asleep sorry.
Be patient please it's going to start in a few days.

The games I'm creating are paused then I'll (re)start them, all at once
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
akashlevy wrote:
I think @casey_dentino has pretty much secured 1st place at this point. Congrats!
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes, if we count the points Casey is first, but wait, there are people with 4, 5 or even 6 games in progress, so we could have some surprise.Surely a great performance from him, but somone can still do better in theory.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
nperry54 wrote:
Bishop thanks for organizing this. It was my first tournament and very fun. Appreciate all the efforts really cool!
The_Bishop wrote:
The tournament has already finished for 31 players, but other 29 are still involved in one or two or even more games.
I think it would be nice to begin some point calculations for those which are done...
31-player ranking (29 players are missing yet) (click to show)

Follow the last games here:

Thanks Nperry, I'm glad for your appreciation :)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
8+ points is a good performance, 36 is the maximum possible.
Caseydentino has secured the 1st place, with an excellent performance of 29 points !!
Congratulations :)

2nd and 3rd places still uncertain...
Last games in progress:
- Game 1090242, - Game 1090286, - Game 1090245, - Game 1090294.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Rockbert wrote:
Yes, thanks Bishop, this was a fun and rather fast tournament. Lots of fun!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
The_Bishop wrote:
Yep @Rockbert, so fast that I regret having started few days in advance, but okay this is good, just not very 'christmy' for a Christmas tournament but good... However it isn't finished yet, we already got a winner, but the tourney is still in progress.

As soon as it finish for good I'll show the definitive ranking and I'll send the tokens prizes.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
DespicableMe wrote:
congrats Casey on the win and many thanks for organising Bishop - got my butt well and truly kicked!
sfclimbers wrote:
Looks like all the games have wrapped up. Anxious to see the final standings. Thanks for organizing, and thanks to all the players that participated. It was fun.