Hello I am 1771... I started playing here long ago when the site was pretty new. The creator of the site 4myGod and I became real good friends, and I helped him out with the day to day problems. This site has been like a child of mine, I have watched it grow and grow to what it has become today. I would like to say I helped with that, but honestly this site is a collection of alot of people's blood, sweat, and tears. Which is one of the things that amazes me about D12. This site has helped me as much if not more than I have helped it. With the people I have met here, many many friends who I have talked with and shared problems, as they shared theirs. Love that! D12 is more than just Risk, it is a place where people meet new people, where friends are made and the war is played

I am 39, from St. Louis you know where the infamous Cardinals come from

. I have too many kids

, I grew up bad, and turned out pretty good. I have loved Risk since the first time I played it. My first Risk game was Castle Risk, flip the board and you had regular Risk..Who else knows about that? YES I AM OLD..lol
I have introduced many people to the site but, the only one who still plays here on a regular basis is my 8 yr. old son 1771jr. I do miss the old players, we had great games, but I welcome all new players, and all new members for the fight.
My favorite map is Oregon Cities Advanced, Vexers first map.
Want to add this real quick for any new people. I know myself, Vexer, and some others started out as paid premium members, I say this because it does cost money to run this site, and I encourage everyone to purchase a premium, also way more games

No one is trying to get rich off D12..Hell every staff member is strictly volunteer. Man, that says alot

My hat goes off to all staff members, they are GREAT people and only here to help. YOU GUYS AND GALS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
A little more about me, I am chatty, love to talk crap, somewhat of a smart mouth, can get a little lippy, sometimes vengeful, but I believe I play a damn good game. I am a Risk Killer!! I believe in fair play, believe me when I say that, I only team when necessary. I never do peace treaties..No need to ask. I may give a person a turn, but that's about the length of it. Play me = Play fair. Also I will try and talk you out of your game. I am here to win !!! Did I mention I am here to win!!!
I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope to see each and everyone of you on the battlefield.
P.S. Biggest pet peeve at D12... People who don't take advise from more advanced players..We must crawl before we walk... Please don't join a live game with me if you aren't going to finish it. Second pet peeve
Hello I am 1771... I started playing here long ago when the site was pretty new. The creator of the site 4myGod and I became real good friends, and I helped him out with the day to day problems. This site has been like a child of mine, I have watched it grow and grow to what it has become today. I would like to say I helped with that, but honestly this site is a collection of alot of people's blood, sweat, and tears. Which is one of the things that amazes me about D12. This site has helped me as much if not more than I have helped it. With the people I have met here, many many friends who I have talked with and shared problems, as they shared theirs. Love that! D12 is more than just Risk, it is a place where people meet new people, where friends are made and the war is played :)
I am 39, from St. Louis you know where the infamous Cardinals come from :). I have too many kids :), I grew up bad, and turned out pretty good. I have loved Risk since the first time I played it. My first Risk game was Castle Risk, flip the board and you had regular Risk..Who else knows about that? YES I AM OLD..lol
I have introduced many people to the site but, the only one who still plays here on a regular basis is my 8 yr. old son 1771jr. I do miss the old players, we had great games, but I welcome all new players, and all new members for the fight.
My favorite map is Oregon Cities Advanced, Vexers first map.
Want to add this real quick for any new people. I know myself, Vexer, and some others started out as paid premium members, I say this because it does cost money to run this site, and I encourage everyone to purchase a premium, also way more games :) No one is trying to get rich off D12..Hell every staff member is strictly volunteer. Man, that says alot :)
My hat goes off to all staff members, they are GREAT people and only here to help. YOU GUYS AND GALS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
A little more about me, I am chatty, love to talk crap, somewhat of a smart mouth, can get a little lippy, sometimes vengeful, but I believe I play a damn good game. I am a Risk Killer!! I believe in fair play, believe me when I say that, I only team when necessary. I never do peace treaties..No need to ask. I may give a person a turn, but that's about the length of it. Play me = Play fair. Also I will try and talk you out of your game. I am here to win !!! Did I mention I am here to win!!!
I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope to see each and everyone of you on the battlefield.
P.S. Biggest pet peeve at D12... People who don't take advise from more advanced players..We must crawl before we walk... Please don't join a live game with me if you aren't going to finish it. Second pet peeve :)