Hi, well many of you active players may know my name by now, I signed up this year in June and have clocked up so many games already. Many of them live 1v1 games, sametime games, and now long term games. I can't get
enough of the variety that D12 has. I'm far from new to risk though.
My on-line Risk history stretches around 15 years, playing on the original Hasbro PC game Risk and it's successor RISK 2. The name Hoodlum comes from me joining my first clan called the Risk Mob, where I had to choose a mobster name. The name Hood just stuck. 15 years I could write a pages of stuff.
Long story very short on how I found myself here. Got a sporting injury, had some time at home. I started looking for a fix for RISK 2, to try and help it with on-line stability as this is it's main flaw for online play, and I have a crappy connection. On my search I found this gem of a place, which ticked off all of my risk wish list, and more. I gave up on my original search, and focused on bringing what's remaining of my community here. At the least, so they know where to find me. The D12 staff have been just as awesome as the game play. There's a lot of heart and history that has built this place, that I am now glad to be a part of. You wont find a better place to play a Risk strategy game.
Hi, well many of you active players may know my name by now, I signed up this year in June and have clocked up so many games already. Many of them live 1v1 games, sametime games, and now long term games. I can't get
enough of the variety that D12 has. I'm far from new to risk though.
My on-line Risk history stretches around 15 years, playing on the original Hasbro PC game Risk and it's successor RISK 2. The name Hoodlum comes from me joining my first clan called the Risk Mob, where I had to choose a mobster name. The name Hood just stuck. 15 years I could write a pages of stuff.
Long story very short on how I found myself here. Got a sporting injury, had some time at home. I started looking for a fix for RISK 2, to try and help it with on-line stability as this is it's main flaw for online play, and I have a crappy connection. On my search I found this gem of a place, which ticked off all of my risk wish list, and more. I gave up on my original search, and focused on bringing what's remaining of my community here. At the least, so they know where to find me. The D12 staff have been just as awesome as the game play. There's a lot of heart and history that has built this place, that I am now glad to be a part of. You wont find a better place to play a Risk strategy game.