The Cannonball Run Canada Official Game Thread
  • 208 posts
  • Page 6 of 14
2ofclubs wrote:
See you all at the ferry. Don't burn to much fuel to get there.
ThickTalon wrote:
I think some of these should be penalized for illegal mods to the cars. It was Color*, Make, Model. Everyone throwing in a year should automatically have an extra 10% chance of being pulled over every phase. :P

I guess we know doughboy didn't put detail in his ride, that narrows it down:P
dough_boy wrote:
I guess we know doughboy didn't put detail in his ride, that narrows it down:P

Yup, 50% chance I am one of the 8 with no year, OR, 50% chance I am one of the 8 with a year but I am just getting you to believe that. Either a 6% or 12% chance at getting me now. ;)
elysium5 wrote:
I might have misread something... but we have 4h to do active stuff in the game every phase, right? So if we need to reach a place 112km away from our starting point, we don't need to actually go over the speed limit of 100km/h?
yes you missed something = it is implied that the ferry leaves in 1 hour and if you travel 100kph = you will miss the ferry.

and it is still unclear what info gets provided and when???

Yes, it takes one hour to get to the ferry and the ferry is 112 km away so you must travel at least 120km/hr in order to catch the ferry.
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
elysium5 is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
I will donate a 1000 tokens.
Can you edit post 1 to include the car list?
2ofclubs wrote:
What's in a colour.¿
When Indianapolis 500 champion Gaston Chevrolet, who was reported to have been driving a green car, was killed in Beverly Hills, California in 1920, the color green phenomenon began.

Darrell Waltrip was reportedly not happy at first when he found out his car would be green and white after becoming sponsored by Gatorade.

Waltrip went on to win a lot of races in that car.

Harry Gant, like Waltrip, drove a green car sponsored by Skoal Bandit and won races. Gant even won four consecutive races which earned him the label “Mr. September.”
2ofclubs wrote:
The color green is just one of the many superstitions that have floated around the garage when it comes to NASCAR drivers. 

A 50 dollar bill is like a black cat in the eyes of a NASCAR driver and don’t you dare eat peanuts around someone’s race car. They might have a heart attack.

“(David) Pearson would go berserk if he saw you with peanuts around his race car," says Larry McReynolds. "He was not happy about peanuts, at all. Davey (Allison) wasn't real fond of peanuts or peanut shells, but not to the extent that Pearson was. “

"I never heard Earnhardt or Irvan say anything about them. I haven't heard much about peanuts for years from the younger generation, it's been mostly the retired ones or veterans we have now.”
2ofclubs wrote:
Am I old school or blowing smoke or Eu import or a jeep or disguised JD front loader¿.
MacEohaid wrote:
This is my first Cannonball Run. How is this different than Mafia? Is it every man for himself or are there sides?
Tennesseelogman wrote:
it seems to be every man for himself but if we are allowed to lynch anybody = i vote to lynch clubs so that we can cut down on the babble by 96%
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
it seems to be every man for himself but if we are allowed to lynch anybody = i vote to lynch clubs so that we can cut down on the babble by 96%
The pot calling the kettle.....
Rockbert wrote:
I'll put a grenade in his muffler.
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rcomer727 wrote:
I'll put a grenade in his muffler.
Well that escalated quickly