The Cannonball Run Canada Official Game Thread
  • 208 posts
  • Page 1 of 14
elysium5 wrote:
Welcome to The Cannonball Run Canada!

You will be travelling approximately 7,476 km (4,645 mi) across the country, one of the longest routes of its type in the world.

The race will begin in Victoria, British Colombia and end in St. John's, Nova Scotia.

Speed limits on the highway vary slightly so for simplicity sake, I will use an average speed limit of 100km/per hour as the legal rate of speed.

Each 24 hour phase will represent 4 hours of travel time to account for refueling and reporting.

Game Mechanics:

Every racers car will be equipped with a CB radio and a police scanner,.

1. Every racer will have the ability to choose their travel speed each phase.

Choices will be 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180 190, and 200km per hour.

If you do not indicate your travel speed via PM before each phase deadline, you will automatically travel at 100 km/hr.

2. Every racer will be able to call the RCMP once each phase to report a player for speeding. The report will apply to the current phase in which it is made.

2. The report must include the 1. Colour, 2. *Make and 3. *Model of the vehicle.
  *The difference between the make and model of a vehicle is that *make refers to the brand of the vehicle, while *model refers to the specific vehicle model. Using the example of a Nissan Altima, Nissan is the make, while Altima is the model.

If your vehicle is reported, a random number generator will be used to determine whether or not you get pulled over.

The odds will be 10% at 110km/hr, 20% at 120km/hr, 30% at 130km/hr, 40% at 140km/hr, 50% at 150km/hr, 60% at 160km/hr, 70% at 170km/hr, 80% at 180km/hr, 90% at 190km/hr and 100% at 200km/hr.

1. If you choose to travel at 100km/hr, you will not be pulled over.

2. If you are pulled over, you will lose a half hour of travel time.

Each racer can be pulled over multiple times each phase dependent on reports and the random number generator results.

3. Every racer will be able to call in One ROADBLOCK. You can use this action only once during the race. Each racer can use this action in addition to their other actions.

A ROADBLOCK will result in the lead racer being blocked from travelling for the ensuing phase.

Any racer who reaches the ROADBLOCK will also blocked from any additional travel during the phase.

All actions are to be submitted in each racers original PM with me.

The start/end of each phase will be at 04:00 server time from Monday to Friday. This will encompass 20 possible hours of travel time during a week.
*Fridays results will be posted later than the deadline but the deadline will be honored as the cut off time for all submitted actions.

Saturday and Sunday will be allocated to 8 hours sleep/rest time for all racers.

Open channel CB communications in the forum thread are allowed during every phase except for sleep phases.

Private channel CB communications must include me in any PM's and will also only be allowed during every phase except for sleep phases.

***Any racers who communicate during sleep time in the forum thread or in PM's with other racers will be penalized a half an hour racing time in the next phase for illegal communication resulting in a lack of sleep.

You can communicate only in your original PM with me at any time without incurring a travel time penalty.

I will be personally donating 7800 tokens as prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place racers.

The payout will be:
1st place 11,020 tokens
2nd place 3673 tokens
3rd place 1117 tokens

If you choose, you can donate tokens to the prize pool by posting your desired donation here in this thread.

Donations will be distributed in proportion to the opening prize pool.


1. @Tennesseelogman *donated 10 tokens
2. @Ryomyr *donated 3000 tokens
3. @ThickTalon
4. @Bluegoetz
5. @Rockbert *donated 1000 tokens
6. @dough_boy
7. @2ofclubs
8. @LandoCalriskian
9. @MacEohaid *donated 2000 tokens
10. @AlexCheckMate
11. @Madagascarter
12. @robit
13. @notoriouspat *donated 1000 tokens
14. @pygmyhippo277
15. @KC321 *donated 1000 tokens
16. @Rcomer727
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
elysium5 wrote:
To open the start time voting, I would like to begin the race on Monday.

All racers must agree on the start time.

You can vote now in this thread.

Once all racers agree, we will start the race.
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
elysium5 wrote:
Start the race on Monday:

3 out of 15

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
Tennesseelogman wrote:
i agree for you guys to start on Monday. i will start on Sunday and scout out the route for everyone else and let you know of any hazards. since no cops will be out and about yet i will travel 400 mph unobstructed
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
oh yea robit - i need you to re-send me your colour, make and model of your vehicle by PM. yours is the only one that did not come through clearly. Your previous PM to ely was corrupted for some reason.
Live long and prosper
2ofclubs wrote:
i agree for you guys to start on Monday. i will start on Sunday and scout out the route for everyone else and let you know of any hazards. since no cops will be out and about yet i will travel 400 mph unobstructed
A tractor traveling at 400mph can't be safe if even possible.

AGREE and donate 2000 tokens.
2ofclubs is online.
2ofclubs wrote:
Looks like TLM is communicating and should get a false start penalty. LoL
2ofclubs is online.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
ely - maybe we should tell the others about the info we decided to reveal about a car when it passes them. do you want me to do that here or by PM to each of them?
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
oh yea - ely and i have sent some of you a new PM that repeats your requested model only. If you did not get this new PM, it is because there was a model duplication of 3 vehicles and you must resend your info to us but this time put a letter behind the model - i.e. corvette-h. be sure and include both ely and TLM in your response. :)
Live long and prosper