Game thread
  • 1025 posts
  • Page 23 of 69
Abs wrote:
Welcome! The earth is dying, and guess what, you all have the luck to be stuck here, in the same apartment building, your number one priority is to emigrate, now keep in mind, if 2 members of your faction die, you cannot win. There is also some hysteria regarding the android crisis, androids are imitating humans on earth, when their main purpose is to be servants on mars, these androids are dangerous and unpredictable and should be killed at all costs before they can kill any humans. The bounty hunters are here to save the day... but there have been rumors of bounty hunters killing actual humans, so who knows if the bounty hunters are actually good for their community...
Spoiler (click to show)

do you think ABS is fishing for another android? why can he send messages at night? i got the message after the turn of the he musta put it in during the day.

doesn't seem like my faction. chaotic is another word for unpredictible.

unvote Anaxagore.

vote ABS

I can’t send messages at night Hood. Pygmy will confirm I sent it about 30 mins before the deadline, as you can see I was posting on the forum just before deadline so Pygmy was just sending it to you after the deadline but was a day message.

I am 100% not a droid, but yes I am fishing to try and find some common ground with who people are. Message me back and we Can discuss further
Ryomyr wrote:
So my animal is electric. But for some reason it can still be fed. Lol. Not sure about why.
you don't have an animal. why say that?

Yeah, I may have wasted my message today on this line of questioning. Should have done it in the forum.
Hoodlum wrote:
Not anonymous. Abs asked my opine on mechanics and if i thought game was chaotic. Ten claimed opera and asked me if I new what the fee to opera was and my role. It wasn't an invite to opera it was team searching. Of course I didn't know and didn't give my role
Ryomyr wrote:
Has any money traded hands? How does that mechanic work? We using Apply Pay? I like Apple Pay. Someone send me $5,000, and I will send it right back to you. 
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Welcome! The earth is dying, and guess what, you all have the luck to be stuck here, in the same apartment building, your number one priority is to emigrate, now keep in mind, if 2 members of your faction die, you cannot win. There is also some hysteria regarding the android crisis, androids are imitating humans on earth, when their main purpose is to be servants on mars, these androids are dangerous and unpredictable and should be killed at all costs before they can kill any humans. The bounty hunters are here to save the day... but there have been rumors of bounty hunters killing actual humans, so who knows if the bounty hunters are actually good for their community...
Spoiler (click to show)

do you think ABS is fishing for another android? why can he send messages at night? i got the message after the turn of the he musta put it in during the day.

doesn't seem like my faction. chaotic is another word for unpredictible.

unvote Anaxagore.

vote ABS

I can’t send messages at night Hood. Pygmy will confirm I sent it about 30 mins before the deadline, as you can see I was posting on the forum just before deadline so Pygmy was just sending it to you after the deadline but was a day message.

I am 100% not a droid, but yes I am fishing to try and find some common ground with who people are. Message me back and we Can discuss further

This was a day message.
Eat my dust.
Hoodlum wrote:
The use of the word chaotic is quite interesting ABS.
Androids are unpredictable.
chaotic is a code word? chaotic = unpredictable
Hoodlum wrote:
Welcome! The earth is dying, and guess what, you all have the luck to be stuck here, in the same apartment building, your number one priority is to emigrate, now keep in mind, if 2 members of your faction die, you cannot win. There is also some hysteria regarding the android crisis, androids are imitating humans on earth, when their main purpose is to be servants on mars, these androids are dangerous and unpredictable and should be killed at all costs before they can kill any humans. The bounty hunters are here to save the day... but there have been rumors of bounty hunters killing actual humans, so who knows if the bounty hunters are actually good for their community...
Spoiler (click to show)

do you think ABS is fishing for another android? why can he send messages at night? i got the message after the turn of the he musta put it in during the day.

doesn't seem like my faction. chaotic is another word for unpredictible.

unvote Anaxagore.

vote ABS

I can’t send messages at night Hood. Pygmy will confirm I sent it about 30 mins before the deadline, as you can see I was posting on the forum just before deadline so Pygmy was just sending it to you after the deadline but was a day message.

I am 100% not a droid, but yes I am fishing to try and find some common ground with who people are. Message me back and we Can discuss further

This was a day message.

ok. but why are you interferring in the game pyg? maybe it was a tactic for me to say that?
it wasn't..but it could have been.
just be careful as a moderator ;)

i might get paranoid, and think ABS said something like. "oh no, save me here pygmy...can you verify to hoodlum that it was a day chat."

Hoodlum wrote:
anyway. it looks like ABS is looking for people to agree the game is Dangerous and Chaotic (unpredictable)

androids are dangerous and unpredictable.
maybe a bounty hunter can kill him!

Ryomyr wrote:
I am not selling electric animals and my electric animal is not for sale, yet.

What kind of animal? What did you name him/her/it?
Ryomyr wrote:
Errr, I'll name my Electric Animal Wombat.

I thought for sure you'd go with something from Madagascar! 

The marsupials of Australia really do have some of the coolest animal names though.
periwinkle wrote:
I want to make sure we are voting off these androids.  Why abs? I'm wondering if these androids have infinite amounts of cash available?
Ryomyr wrote:
I want to make sure we are voting off these androids.  Why abs? I'm wondering if these androids have infinite amounts of cash available?

Truth be told, I am letting Hood's sneaking suspicions influence me. I do find the message to be cryptic and odd though.
