Money & Masks 2
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2ofclubs wrote:
sorry, neutral isn't part of my win clause. easy vote for information, rather than the one you suggested. too early to know if anyone is mafia, but we know who is not town.
LOL  you used neutral not Tennessee. now that's funny
milnejw24 wrote:
I believe that the results are currently:
TLM: Hoodlum, rheisel, and myself

Anax had voted TLM then changed to no lynch
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey
elysium5 wrote:
sorry, neutral isn't part of my win clause. easy vote for information, rather than the one you suggested. too early to know if anyone is mafia, but we know who is not town.
#Lynch Tennesseelogman
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
remlburc wrote:
Oh my oh my. What a book to read! I am unsure if lynching Tennessee is good or not.

Good= we kill a neutral that is guaranteed not to be town.
Bad= Tennessee might actually be able to help others with his extra powers or whatever.

Therefore, I will #NO LYNCH

Also, because I am working around 12-14 hours a day, I will be basically catching up, doing my needed actions, then logging off. Last night (for me) I ended at like page 10 or so. Now it’s page 20. So, please don’t punish me if I’m not posting throughout the day.
Madagascarter wrote:
Can the shop keeper please buy some Paint today. I think it is crucial we take out the mafia first. So you can use paint to communicate who bought the suspicious items
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
Madagascarter wrote:
As for my opinions, in the last few games, the mafia didn't make clear and obvious errors. The village did because they didn't have all the infomation. This makes it seem to me that TLM may actually be good. Also, I don't think Romeo and Juliet are neutral.

On another thought which I just had, which is seaming likely, TLM's role could be to kill Romeo and Juliet? Then he wins. Claiming neutral this early doesn't help anything. I don't think TLM is mafia or he'd have more caution about claiming neutral but he could be hostile.

#LYNCH TennesseeLogman
Playing Deep Sea Adventure, you can't track me

Summer 2 Countdown

Get your purchases in 2 hours beforehand
elysium5 wrote:
Can the shop keeper please buy some Paint today. I think it is crucial we take out the mafia first. So you can use paint to communicate who bought the suspicious items
Yes, I think the shopkeeper should buy some paint. It would help with the mask info!
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Hoodlum wrote:
Can the shop keeper please buy some Paint today. I think it is crucial we take out the mafia first. So you can use paint to communicate who bought the suspicious items

good idea, was wondering what good use the paint would be good for.
Hoodlum is online.
Anaxagore wrote:
#Lynch Tenessee

I voted No lynch just to see who would want to no lynch a proven non town. To put in a box the potential Romeo and Juliette.

And sorry Tenesse, but if you're a logic person, you know this is the right move for town.
Tennesseelogman wrote:
Anaxagore wrote: 
And sorry Tenesse, but if you're a logic person, you know this is the right move for town.
not really the best move. yes town finally gets to lynch a non-town up front but a potentially useful one that can be lynched anytime later after town has used up his usefulness and input.

it seems that shop keeper info is needed now. here is what the evidence says up til now.
we know from the failed plot by anax that the shop keeper started with zero coins - so
100% not = elysium - he had coins to run for lord
95-100% not = Tennessee - he was the 1st to announce he was running and post a reply from virt98 that said "noted" - post #12 (that others later copied)
            = anax - he devised the plot to out the shop keeper
            = rock - he apparently had coins to buy something from the shop keeper and saw his mask
Rockbert wrote: Post #245
I will confirm the shopkeeper's mask is beige.
80-90% not = miln - may have bought something indicating he started with coins -
milnejw24 wrote: Post #248
Yes, I was just about to do the same :)
           = 2ofclubs - seems to have had coins to run but did not = not likely shopkeeper but high likelyhood of being mafia or neutral
           = r4w - seems to have had enough coins to buy a fake pm
Live long and prosper
Tennesseelogman wrote:
others may have surmised the same things but i seem to be the main one willing to gather info and share . lynch me and you lose someone willing to go out at night , check houses, put watchmen on houses and report back.
Live long and prosper
Hoodlum wrote:
*r4w gave a fake pm before he could buy one.
i don't think either of the roles he gave are exact, but a combo of one he created. he gave a win clause that mafia, neutral might not have known, so i tend to believe he is town 99.99%. those who are town know. you wouldn't know this tennesee cause you are neutral and yours says something different.
it may not have been r4w's best move, because it gives information of how a town role is written for mafia/neutral to save $ and make one for themself. was it just sillyness, or intentional. if intentional, i did think maybe a jester type role begging to be targeted but likely not, he may have just painted a target on himself with the coins, sword,dagger whatever for mafia to kill to own. i suggest save himself.
Hoodlum is online.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Tennesseelogman - rheisel, Hoodlum, milnejw24, elysium5, Madagascarter, Anaxagore
No lynch - 2ofclubs, Tennesseelogman, remlburc
(Abstaining: @AlexCheckMate, @Mdhaglund, @Ready4war, @Rockbert, @Bluegoetz, @marion)

Afternoon 1 will end in under 7 hours (countdown).
Afternoon Actions: (click to show)
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Tennesseelogman wrote:
elysium - you have the power to save me with your 2 lynch votes - if you do , i will do whatever you tell me to.
 how does a neutral slave sound to you? better than a dead neutral for now?
Live long and prosper